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  1. Central AI/Rovo
  2. AI-502

Searching for watcher field via CQL yields incorrect results


    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 0

      Issue Summary

      Currently, using the CQL search for watched content for a specific user does not work as intended.

      The CQL search watcher=currentUser() yields incorrect watched content count. Documentation states the following:

      Search for content that a particular user is watching. You can search by the user's accountId.

      Full document:

      Confluence Cloud Developer - CQL Fields - Watcher

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Watch any given number of pages
      2. Check the watched content with https://mysite.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/search?cql=watcher=currentUser()
      3. Check that it reports all pages being watched by the current user
      4. Stop watching any of the previously watched pages
      5. Check the watched content with https://mysite.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/search?cql=watcher=currentUser()

      Expected Results

      Only the pages that are currently watched are returned.

      Actual Results

      All pages that were ever watched by the user are listed, no matter if the user stopped watching them.


      Initiate any other activity that forces Confluence to re-index the content. Using the "Star this page" or "Unstar this page" button triggers the re-index and the watcher count is updated.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            drodrigues@atlassian.com Diego (Inactive)
            5 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
