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  1. Atlassian Guard
  2. ACCESS-1135

Need to control or manage; users or user group from creating products


    • 275
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Under the feature Automatic product discovery in Atlassian access, the following occurs as described: 

      Atlassian will proactively send an email with the number of shadow IT products created by their managed users and what the exact shadow IT product is.

      Within admin.atlassian.com, organization admins can also view additional information, such as the owner of these products, how many users are in that product, and the date it was created.

      To start remediation, organization admins can click on the "…" eclipses to contact the product owner.

      This is not adequate just to contact the product owner. How do we manage users or user groups from being able to spin up new products. 

      We can "discover" them, however for such large enterprise organization as us it's not scalable to reachout to each product owner every time or at the cadence we can follow up there may be too many spinning up new products. 

      We like the feature however, we should be able to take this a step further. 

              gjones@atlassian.com Griffin Jones
              fa7f51582178 Keyonna Taylor (Inactive)
              207 Vote for this issue
              162 Start watching this issue
