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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-507

Provide the corresponding URL information between Confluence Server and Confluence Cloud after migration

    • 697
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Problem Definition

      The customer wants to get the URL mapping information(corresponding Server and Cloud URL) between Confluence Server and Confluence Cloud after migration.
      Like this:

      Confluence pageId is changed after the migration, so it is difficult to find the corresponding cloud page URL.


      • The customer's Confluence Server pages are on public.
      • Their customers know that Server page URL(not confluence link. just string).
      • After the migration Server to Cloud, the Cloud page URL will be changed from Server(pageId, baseUrl, etc.).
      • However, their customers only know the Server page URL. So the customer wants to configure the redirection to Cloud in Confluence Server page URL.
      • To configure that redirection, the customer needs to get the mapping of how changed page URL(Server to Cloud) to configure the redirection.

      Suggested Solution

      • Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant(CCMA) provides that URL mapping information after the migration is completed.


      • There is no feature now, please consult with Atlassian support.

            [MIG-507] Provide the corresponding URL information between Confluence Server and Confluence Cloud after migration

            Vlad Polonskiy added a comment - - edited

            This is the Confluence On-Prem DB SQL that Atlassian asks clients to run in order to help them to map page IDs. Then Atlassian asks to attach resulting CSV. Knowledge is from current migration effort. 

            SELECT c.title,
            2       c.contentid,
            3       s.spacekey
            4FROM content c
            5JOIN spaces s ON s.spaceid=c.spaceid
            6WHERE c.contenttype='PAGE'
            7  AND c.prevver IS NULL
            8  AND c.content_status='current'
            9  AND c.title !=''
            10  AND c.title IS NOT NULL
            11ORDER BY s.spacekey, c.title; 

            Vlad Polonskiy added a comment - - edited This is the Confluence On-Prem DB SQL that Atlassian asks clients to run in order to help them to map page IDs. Then Atlassian asks to attach resulting CSV. Knowledge is from current migration effort.  SELECT c.title, 2 c.contentid, 3 s.spacekey 4FROM content c 5JOIN spaces s ON s.spaceid=c.spaceid 6WHERE c.contenttype= 'PAGE' 7 AND c.prevver IS NULL 8 AND c.content_status= 'current' 9 AND c.title !='' 10 AND c.title IS NOT NULL 11ORDER BY s.spacekey, c.title;

            Bhavana V added a comment -

            Bhavana V added a comment - https://getsupport.atlassian.com/browse/MOVE-146416

            Hey a5da1a1190d2 ,

            1. If you finished the links migration process (post-migration task) recently, our support team can assist you in exporting audit logs in CSV format (as this feature is not yet public). The exported CSV files will contain all changes made from old to new links. Here's a small sample of such a file: 

            "Link update ID","Date","Author","Changed object","Operation details","Data"
            "951ae2f3-0243-49d0-8651-c32d365fbe05","2023-09-19T01:59:11Z","admin@example.com","Comment","Updated link from 'instenv-127401-t5no.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/browse/PFG1-25' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/browse/PFG1-25'","Object ID: 49905665"
            "951ae2f3-0243-49d0-8651-c32d365fbe05","2023-09-19T01:59:11Z","admin@example.com","Comment","Updated link from 'instenv-127401-t5no.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/browse/PFG1-24' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/browse/PFG1-24'","Object ID: 49905665"
            "52899e2a-6b59-4162-9a56-79632a0f5503","2023-09-19T02:02:10Z","admin@example.com","Page","Updated link from 'instenv-115260-kqga.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1638697' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33292689'","Object ID: 49873149"
            "52899e2a-6b59-4162-9a56-79632a0f5503","2023-09-19T02:02:10Z","admin@example.com","Page","Updated link from 'instenv-115260-kqga.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1638667' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33292643'","Object ID: 49873149"
            "52899e2a-6b59-4162-9a56-79632a0f5503","2023-09-19T02:02:10Z","admin@example.com","Page","Updated link from 'instenv-115260-kqga.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/x/SgIZ' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/wiki/x/e4AAAg'","Object ID: 49873149"
            "52899e2a-6b59-4162-9a56-79632a0f5503","2023-09-19T02:02:10Z","admin@example.com","Page","Updated link from 'instenv-115260-kqga.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/x/1wEZ' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/wiki/x/ZIAAAg'","Object ID: 49873149"

            However, please be aware of the following limitations:

            • We can only store this data for 29 days.
            • Only links that have been migrated will be included.


            if it does not meet your requirements (for instance, if the link migration process was carried out a while ago), the support team can offer an alternative method of exporting mappings (focused on pageId/tinyurl values). The method is based on database queries, so will require extra consent from you, etc. The format for this is as follows:




            2. Currently, we don't have a specific workflow for this. However, to expedite the process, you could refer to this ticket (https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/MIG-507) or link my comment there in the description of your support ticket.

            Daniel Serkowski added a comment - Hey a5da1a1190d2 , 1. If you finished the links migration process (post-migration task) recently, our support team can assist you in exporting audit logs in CSV format ( as this feature is not yet public ). The exported CSV files will contain all changes made from old to new links. Here's a small sample of such a file:  "Link update ID" , "Date" , "Author" , "Changed object" , "Operation details" , "Data" "951ae2f3-0243-49d0-8651-c32d365fbe05" , "2023-09-19T01:59:11Z" , "admin@example.com" , "Comment" , "Updated link from 'instenv-127401-t5no.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/browse/PFG1-25' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/browse/PFG1-25' " , " Object ID: 49905665" "951ae2f3-0243-49d0-8651-c32d365fbe05" , "2023-09-19T01:59:11Z" , "admin@example.com" , "Comment" , "Updated link from 'instenv-127401-t5no.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/browse/PFG1-24' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/browse/PFG1-24' " , " Object ID: 49905665" "52899e2a-6b59-4162-9a56-79632a0f5503" , "2023-09-19T02:02:10Z" , "admin@example.com" , "Page" , "Updated link from 'instenv-115260-kqga.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1638697' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33292689' " , " Object ID: 49873149" "52899e2a-6b59-4162-9a56-79632a0f5503" , "2023-09-19T02:02:10Z" , "admin@example.com" , "Page" , "Updated link from 'instenv-115260-kqga.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1638667' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33292643' " , " Object ID: 49873149" "52899e2a-6b59-4162-9a56-79632a0f5503" , "2023-09-19T02:02:10Z" , "admin@example.com" , "Page" , "Updated link from 'instenv-115260-kqga.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/x/SgIZ' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/wiki/x/e4AAAg' " , " Object ID: 49873149" "52899e2a-6b59-4162-9a56-79632a0f5503" , "2023-09-19T02:02:10Z" , "admin@example.com" , "Page" , "Updated link from 'instenv-115260-kqga.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/x/1wEZ' to 'atl-fbl-e2e-test-1.jira-dev.com/wiki/x/ZIAAAg' " , " Object ID: 49873149" However, please be aware of the following limitations: We can only store this data for 29 days. Only links that have been migrated will be included.   if it does not meet your requirements (for instance, if the link migration process was carried out a while ago), the support team can offer an alternative method of exporting mappings (focused on pageId/tinyurl values). The method is based on database queries, so will require extra consent from you, etc. The format for this is as follows: "server_page_id" , "cloud_page_id" , "server_page_type" , "cloud_page_type" , "server_page_title" , "cloud_page_title" , "server_space_key" , "cloud_space_key" , "server_url" , "cloud_url" , "tiny_server_url" , "tiny_cloud_url" "2624364" , "100001" , "PAGE" , "PAGE" , "AAA1" , "AAA1" , "AAA" , "AAA" , "https: //wiki.rtakata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=2624364" , "https://rtakata.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=100001" , "https://wiki.rtakata.com/x/bAso" , "https://rtakata.atlassian.net/wiki/x/oYYB" "4260608" , "100002" , "PAGE" , "PAGE" , "AAA2" , "AAA2" , "AAA" , "AAA" , "https: //wiki.rtakata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4260608" , "https://rtakata.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=100002" , "https://wiki.rtakata.com/x/AANB" , "https://rtakata.atlassian.net/wiki/x/ooYB"     2. Currently, we don't have a specific workflow for this. However, to expedite the process, you could refer to this ticket ( https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/MIG-507 ) or link my comment there in the description of your support ticket.

            Hello, I have two questions.

            1. can you publish the format of the mapping file?
            2. is there a special request type or keyword we need to mention when requesting this from the cloud migration support team?


            oliver.wihler added a comment - Hello, I have two questions. 1. can you publish the format of the mapping file? 2. is there a special request type or keyword we need to mention when requesting this from the cloud migration support team? Thanks, Oliver

            fad83336f6ed yes and such mapping can now be requested after fixing links (in Atlassian products) via our support so that relevant redirection could be added outside of Atlassian tooling.

            Łukasz Halicki added a comment - fad83336f6ed yes and such mapping can now be requested after fixing links (in Atlassian products) via our support so that relevant redirection could be added outside of Atlassian tooling.

            Cormang added a comment -

            What does the resolution have to do with the Problem Definition? I thought we were simply looking for a mappings file. 

            Cormang added a comment - What does the resolution have to do with the Problem Definition? I thought we were simply looking for a mappings file. 

            URL mappings before and after migration to cloud, including pageId changes can now be requested via Atlassian support as part of post migraiton link fixing: https://confluence.atlassian.com/confkb/after-a-successful-server-to-cloud-migration-url-links-are-broken-in-the-new-cloud-instance-1077781093.html

            Closing this issue as resolved.

            Łukasz Halicki added a comment - URL mappings before and after migration to cloud, including pageId changes can now be requested via Atlassian support as part of post migraiton link fixing: https://confluence.atlassian.com/confkb/after-a-successful-server-to-cloud-migration-url-links-are-broken-in-the-new-cloud-instance-1077781093.html Closing this issue as resolved.

            Mark Lennon (Inactive) added a comment - https://getsupport.atlassian.com/browse/MOVE-83188

            Arun Parameswaran added a comment - https://getsupport.atlassian.com/browse/MOVE-90456

            It would be great to have a snippet of configuration for apache or haproxy for us to put the http redirect. Ideally Atlassian would host these redirections on the cloud instance

            Aurélien Joga added a comment - It would be great to have a snippet of configuration for apache or haproxy for us to put the http redirect. Ideally Atlassian would host these redirections on the cloud instance

              8d66342ee03e Sibaprasad Behera (Inactive)
              ff3967e4ed5f Ryoji Takata (Inactive)
              58 Vote for this issue
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