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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1673

JCMA will not migrate cross project boards using v1.10.10


    • 15
    • Minor
    • 89

      Issue Summary

      Using JCMA v1.10.10, not all boards are being migrated when following the steps outlined to migrate All cross-project boards and filters. This appears to affect cross-project boards and not single-project boards. No errors are being reported in the migration.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create Project ABC and Project DEF
      2. Create Filter 1 with JQL for a single project (project in (ABC) and text ~ "somevalue")
      3. Create Filter 2 with JQL for cross-project (project in (ABC, DEF) and text ~ "someothervalue")
      4. Create a Board with filter 1 (ABC Single Board)
      5. Create a Board with filter 2 (ABC DEF Board)
      6. Per steps in MIG-1588:
        • Apply the dark feature com.atlassian.jira.migration.export.all.filters
        • Create migration plan and select All cross-project boards and filters
      7. Select ONLY project ABC

      Expected Results

      All boards and filters should be migrated along with Project ABC

      Actual Results

      Project ABC is migrated.
      All filters are migrated including cross-project filters.
      Only the single project board is migrated
      Cross-project board is missing.
      From the screenshot, the 21 filters represent all filters on the source. The board remains "Ready" and never resolves to .

      The below log shows no rapidview (board) is exported for the filters

      2023-12-21 14:39:20,007 pool-110-thread-2 INFO      [serverdataextractors.cpb.service.CPBRapidViewService] Evaluating rapid view with saved filter id: 10506
      2023-12-21 14:39:20,007 pool-110-thread-2 INFO      [serverdataextractors.cpb.service.CPBRapidViewService] Evaluating rapid view with stored project Ids mapping during filters saved filter id: 10506
      2023-12-21 14:39:20,007 pool-110-thread-2 INFO      [export.software.board.RapidViewExportService] Exporting cross project rapid views for migration 12345abc-4878-4895-83ce-28aa8c022a34 under exportMode COLLECT_USER_AND_GROUP_REFS

      There is no reference to the cross-project board being exported.

      Correct flow

      When the board is successfully exported, we should see the following in the logs:

      2023-12-21 15:04:21,602 pool-89-thread-9 INFO      [export.software.board.RapidViewExportService] Exporting cross project rapid view ABC DEF Board under exportMode PROJECT_DATA
      2023-12-21 15:04:21,603 pool-89-thread-9 INFO      [filter.service.jql.FilterJqlService] Filter[10506 -  CrossProj filter] is referring to projects [10402, 10403] with JQL[project in (ABC, DEF) and issuetype in (Bug, Story, Epic, Task, Sub-task) and assignee in (currentUser())]


      Option 1

      1. Remove the dark feature: com.atlassian.jira.migration.export.all.filters
      2. Create a new migration plan and select Only cross-project boards and filters related to selected projects
      3. Select all related Projects associated with the board and filter

      From the screenshot, notice the board and filter are evaluated as complete with an accurate count of entities migrated for the 2 projects selected.

      Option 2

      1. Remove the dark feature: com.atlassian.jira.migration.export.all.filters
      2. Using JCMA v1.10.10, Create migration plan and select All cross-project boards and filters
      3. Migrate all projects expected to migrate
      4. Downgrade to JCMA v1.9.17 (How to install a specific version of the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant)
      5. Reivew the KB: How to migrate all boards and filters with the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA)
      6. Apply the 2 dark features listed in the KB
      7. Create a dummy project A
      8. Create a new migration plan and only select the dummy project A

      This will migrate all boards and filters

              6c61e5514587 Nitin Suri
              asalinasii@atlassian.com Alfonso S.
              4 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
