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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1676

If project not in filter, JCMA considers it cross-project


    • 8
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 18

      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create Filter based on Epic Link
      2. Do not reference any projects in Filter
      3. Create a board that uses this filter
      4. Migrate using JCMA

      Expected Results

      Filter would not be considered Cross Project and would migrate successfully along with related Board.

      Actual Results

      The logging shows that the filter is considered a Cross Project filter. While the filter is migrated, the board that references this filter is skipped because the board is now considered a cross project board and runs into the bug https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/MIG-1673:

      2023-12-21 01:14:58,460 pool-110-thread-378 INFO      [filter.service.jql.FilterJqlService] Filter[17110 -  Core Server WBNY Transition] is referring to projects [] with JQL["Epic Link" in (MGP-18517, MGP-17798, MGP-17648, MGP-16859, MGP-18221, MGP-18476, MGP-18477, MGP-18516, MGP-18515) ORDER BY Rank ASC]
      2023-12-21 01:15:01,129 pool-110-thread-378 INFO      [serverdataextractors.cpb.helper.CrossProjectEntityHelper] Filter with id: 17110 and name: Core Server WBNY Transition has referring project ids: [] is referring to multiple projects, fetching..
      2023-12-21 01:15:01,140 pool-110-thread-378 INFO      [serverdataextractors.cpb.service.CrossProjectEntityService] Cross Project Entity with filter id: 17110 and filter name: Core Server WBNY Transition referring to project ids [] is eligible for migration
      2023-12-21 01:21:40,180 pool-111-thread-9 INFO      [serverdataextractors.cpb.service.CPBRapidViewService] Evaluating rapid view with saved filter id: 17110
      2023-12-21 01:21:40,180 pool-111-thread-9 INFO      [serverdataextractors.cpb.service.CPBRapidViewService] Evaluating rapid view with stored project Ids mapping during filters saved filter id: 17110
      2023-12-21 01:21:40,180 pool-111-thread-9 INFO      [export.software.board.RapidViewExportService] Exporting cross project rapid views for migration b687dffe-29dd-4f01-9f5e-0b8f5eb22725 under exportMode PROJECT_DATA 


      Prior to migration, assign the Epic Link referenced Filter to a single project so that it is not considered as a cross project filter.

            e5198ef782cc Pobitra Pradhan
            d037086145b0 Rick Rehmann (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
