Resolution: Tracked Elsewhere
Medium (View bug fix roadmap)
When installing JIRA Agile through to Add-on Manager, it hangs on installation. If installing it by putting it into $JIRA_HOME/plugins/installed-plugins and starting up JIRA, JIRA may appear unresponsive.
This is due to upgrade tasks running for instances with large amounts fixVersions (e.g.: 10k+). It can be verified with the following:
SELECT count(*) FROM projectversion;
If this returns more than 5k records you may be affected by this bug.
Instances with this many fix versions should be reviewed as it's likely they are being created automatically and unintentionally. It's not expected that an instance would ever have this many fix versions.
About the Upgrade Task
JIRA Agile implemented version.startDate before JIRA had the equivalent of this - JIRA now has it's own version of startDate for versions. This upgrade task checks and pushes any startDates stored with JIRA Agile back into the JIRA data if available.
Steps to Reproduce
- Startup a JIRA instance with a large amount of versions (say 20k+).
- Install JIRA Agile.
Expected Results
The application installs and upgrades seamlessly.
Actual Results
The screen sits on the add-on installation for a decent amount of time and then times out.
Any attempts to access the Add-on Manager will kick off the upgrade attempt again.
Multiple attempts at proceeding with the upgrade may fix this, as the upgrade tasks could eventually complete.
This can be worked around by modifying the database to tell JIRA Agile the versions have been migrated as per the below. This does mean that start dates will not be pushed back to JIRA from JIRA Agile.
- Backup JIRA.
- Stop JIRA.
- Run the following SQL:
INSERT INTO propertyentry VALUES ((SELECT seq_id FROM sequence_value_item WHERE seq_name = 'OSPropertyEntry'), 'GreenHopper.properties', 1, 'GreenHopper.JIRA60.Version.Migration', 1); INSERT INTO propertynumber VALUES ((SELECT seq_id FROM sequence_value_item WHERE seq_name = 'OSPropertyEntry'), 1); UPDATE sequence_value_item SET seq_id = (SELECT seq_id FROM sequence_value_item WHERE seq_name = 'OSPropertyEntry') + 10 WHERE seq_name = 'OSPropertyEntry';
This is tested with PostgreSQL and may require changing depending upon the DBMS used.
- Start JIRA.
- Test by installing JIRA Agile.
- If there are any problems, rollback to the backed up instance.
Upgrade JIRA to 6.3.4 or higher and then perform the upgrade - this problem will not be encountered.
- causes
JSWSERVER-10771 Version migration on startup dies when encountering invalid start date
- Closed
JRASERVER-62513 all JIRA threads is blocked waiting for cache getProjectContextIdsForQuery
- Gathering Impact
- is caused by
JRASERVER-42123 Optimise the version cache in JIRA
- Closed
- is related to
JSWSERVER-11040 JIRA Agile install is not well logged (and took 78 minutes!)
- Gathering Impact
Gadget Error for My Timesheet with below message
"This gadget cannot be displayed on your dashboard. This could be due to a licensing problem or an application error. If you need this gadget, contact your administrator for assistance. Otherwise, you can remove it from your dashboard."
Please suggest.