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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-17042

Make creating a new issue on a company managed Kanban board more obvious


    • 22
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Update 10 January 2024

      The Create + option now appears on company-managed Kanban boards except when certain configurations are set. It should appear on the board regardless of these configurations. 

      Configurations that cause Create + option to disappear from a company-managed Kanban board: 

      • If the board has Swimlanes enabled with Select method set to Queries or Projects
      • Anything other than a default workflow - a single workflow for all issue types with only global status transitions (no validators, or screens).
      • Anything other than default board JQL 
        project = USER_PROJECT_KEY ORDER BY Rank ASC
      • System setting "Allow users to select a status for an issue they’re creating" disabled on https://<your site name>.atlassian.net/secure/admin/EditApplicationProperties!default.jspa
      • A required field in the field configuration of any issue type


      Like the other users in [this community post](https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/How-to-add-an-issue-to-the-Kanban-board-from-the-Kanban-board/qaq-p/22062), I was perplexed as to how I could create an issue directly from the Kanban board on a project. I then realized that the "create issue" button being referenced was the one on the sidebar of the page. However, I also noticed that the business "board" view DID have a "create new issue" button directly on the Kanban board under "backlog". From a usability standpoint (especially since my organization is looking to use Jira with end-users), it would be great to have that button present so that it's obvious in some way how a new issue is created.

        1. Business Board.png
          Business Board.png
          47 kB
        2. Kanban.png
          35 kB
        3. screenshot-1.png
          358 kB
        4. screenshot-2.png
          367 kB
        5. image-2024-01-10-11-15-07-246.png
          367 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            e7ba9340410e Jonathan Romano
            207 Vote for this issue
            100 Start watching this issue
