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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-6874

New help center: date picker language not aligned with Jira settings



      • When using the new help center in a non-English language, the language in the date picker is displaying in English
      • On the old help center, the name of the day/month is translated correctly


      • Jira Service Desk
      • "new help center" enabled

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to the customer profile page by clicking on the user's avatar > Profile(https://<instance_name>.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/user/profile) and change the language to a non-english language
      2. Create a new request in the help center

      Expected Results

      • The calendar is displayed in the correct language

      Actual Results

      • The calendar is displayed in English
      • Not highlighted in the screenshot, but the days are also in English
      Old help center New help center


      • This issues only happen in the "new help center"
      • In the example above, the "Use ISO8601 standard in Date Picker" setting is set to "Yes". The "Use ISO8601 standard in Date Picker" setting also has no effect on the date picker in the "new help center"; Jira settings > System > Look and feel(https://<instance_name>.atlassian.net/secure/admin/LookAndFeel!default.jspa)



      This Workaround is obsolete

      • Turn off the "new help center": Navigate to Project Settings > Portal Settings > View and customize; under "Try the new help center", put the toggle switch into the "off" position.  Please quote this bug ticket number in the feedback form.

        1. Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 11.57.06 PM.png
          77 kB
          Derrick Nguyen
        2. Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 11.57.50 PM.png
          74 kB
          Derrick Nguyen
        3. Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 11.37.11 PM.png
          73 kB
          Derrick Nguyen

            ecf75810e9bb Aryan Saraf
            dnguyen4 Derrick Nguyen
            26 Vote for this issue
            35 Start watching this issue
