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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-6250

Queue's JQL Translation follows Service Desk Project Creator's Profile Language


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: High High
    • Queues
    • None


      When a new Service Desk Project is created, only the "Queue page" JQL follows the language format of the profile of the person who creates the Service Desk Project. This causes the queue to not load at all.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Set the System Configuration language to English.
      2. Set your profile language to Dansk, Italiano (any other language except English) 
      3. Create a new Service Desk Project 
      4. When the project is successfully created check the SLA page (it will be in English as per the system configuration)
      5. If you open the Queue tab in the same Service Desk Project, it will be in your profile language such as Dansk, Italiano(any other language that you have set) 
      6. Try to click on a few of the default queue, it will load indefinitely .

      Sample Outcome:
       SLA Page (System Language Setting: English Language) :


      • Time to Resolution
      • Time to First Response


       Queue Page (Profile Language Setting: Deutsch Language) :

      All Open Queue (How it is):

      resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY "Dauer bis zur Lösung" ASC 


      All Open Queue (How it is supposed to be):


       resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY "Time to Resolution" ASC 


      Expected Results

      The entire Service Desk Project should follow one language setting which is the system language setting.

      Actual Results

      Instead the Queue page follows the user who creates the project language profile setting. 



      Quick Fix: 

      1. Among the list of queues that load infinitely, find one which can be loaded properly without the circling loop
      2. Click on the (...) button > Click on Edit Queue
      3. Now Click on the queue which loads infinitely, refresh the page, you will now be able to click on (...) button > Click on Edit Queue 

      Note: The above doesn't work always, if the quick fix fails please go to the second workaround below.

      Queue Loading Fix:

      1. Add the profile language translation of the SLA in the SLA page 
      2. Please contact customer support, to retrieve profile language translation for the default SLA name for any language.  
      3. By adding the profile language translation in the SLA page, the Queue page will now follow the newly added SLA and start loading properly. 
      4. You can now edit the queue with the correct language based on the SLA page. 


      New Service Desk Project Fix

      Until the bug is fixed, please ensure when you create a new Service Desk Project, that your profile language and system configuration language is the same, to avoid the Queue being created with the incorrect language. 


            eyoung2 Emma Young
            nsilvaratnam Niro (Inactive)
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            13 Start watching this issue
