As stated in SDFEEDBACK-7121 ,
I use the Service Desk for my application's Customer Support. This is required by Apple for any iOS software, but I want to go next mile and actually offer a real desk. Since I am already Jira-based, I went to JSD.
I got basically two choices: allowing everyone to enter any given data, unverified, potentially spammy, and without official return. Or allowing people to create and manage an account that means pretty much nothing to them, and has a lot of friction, ensuring people need to take a LOT of time creating issues.
For example, if they are using my app on their Fruity Device, they encounter an issue, they go to the menu and it opens up the Service Desk. Then, they got a small mention they can connect or create an account, enter all fields, go through loops and hoops. It would be interesting to be able to Create Account / Connect through their « Sign In With Apple », as they are already there. That way, they do not have to fill information, create user name or password, and it reduces friction.
But this could be extended through signing in through Facebook, Google, and other services that allow identification. Again, to reduce friction, and making the user connecting to a service a two-click operation (Connect to Facebook, Accept). Or a corporate user could use their own system, or an already existing Atlassian account could connect to their own service and bind it easily.
Mostly, there are two ways to see the service: as an internal service for internal users, where it makes sense to have things connected together, comment and add up related links to our other services (Confluence, Jira, ...), or an external service for external users, where the users might be in the thousands, allowing quick and frictionless service, including unregistered or very simply registered users, where I would know the user's e-mail is actually valid.
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for your feedback on this feature.
We are marking this issue as closed because it is a duplicate of JSDCLOUD-1964 which has received more traction. You can follow the ticket there as the source of truth.
Thank you again for your feedback!
Prathiksha M S
Jira Service Management Cloud team