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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-14066

User who triggered the rule for time event Automation rule doesn't identify the correct user


      Problem Statement

      Timed event Automations rules does not run when "Run Rules As: User who triggered the rule" option are set and following error are displayed:

      Steps to Replicate

      1. Create a new Service Desk Automation Rules
      2. Options > Run Rules As: User who triggered the rule:
      3. Add a trigger for "When this happens...": Time in Status and specify a status for any amount for an amount of time.
      4. Add an Action

      Expected Result

      The delayed-timed event Automation runs and system able to capture who executed the timed event actions.

      Actual Result

      Delayed Automation doesn't execute with the error on the log rules:


      Run Rules as Project Default

            36bd3fea80e3 Makarand Gomashe
            ashohaimi Syauqi (Inactive)
            24 Vote for this issue
            22 Start watching this issue
