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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-11075

Add API to be able to retrieve Assets object field values


    • 123
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      We are implementing Virtual Agents on top of Atlassian, we ae on your marketplace


      One thing we do a lot is "slot filling": In a conversation (chatbot), we are able to determine the ticket type, then get its fields definitions, and build a conversation to fill in each of the fields. This is working well and used by all our customers. But then you introduced the Insight fields, and customers paying the Premium got access to this new field type, and of course, asked us for being able to use these new fields in the slot filling. 

      As you did not expose any API to get the list of the possible values for such fields, we used some of your internal API to be able to fulfill the customer requirements. But then, a few ago, you changed the authentication mechanism of these internal APIs, making it unusable to external parties. 

      So now, we and your customers are stuck with the Insight Fields, unable to get a list of the possible values they contain through an API... so it is impossible to build a Virtual Agent or any other kind of portals that would leverage these Insight fields. 


      We created Support ticket: https://getsupport.atlassian.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/48/PCS-83970

      They proposed we contact you to raise this.

      Please let me know if and when you plan to have such support so that we can communicate to our (your) customers and decide which alternate plan to build. 

      If you have any thoughts for other alternative, then please let me know. All we need is an API that gives us the list of possible values for a given Insight field.


      If new API endpoints are released for this feature request, please make sure that they are supported for Connect and Forge apps as well.


      Thanks for your consideration of this matter. 



              90325da67d46 Mohamed Hassan
              02ae4f3ac74d Amedee Potier
              333 Vote for this issue
              122 Start watching this issue
