Resolution: Unresolved
Ex: Change a Contract Object's Status to "Expired" once the "Expiration Date" is overdue.
It would also be beneficial to trigger the rule based on object type in addition to the object schema
WorkAround : https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/assets-automation-trigger-rule-based-on-attribute-update-1456179255.html
- duplicates
JSDCLOUD-11406 Assets Automation: Ability to specify attribute when Triggering an Automation through Object Update
- Closed
JSDCLOUD-12839 Asset Automation: Ability to identify which fields were updated on the object updated trigger
- Closed
- is duplicated by
JSDCLOUD-10017 Automations for Insight: Ability to set a trigger when a specific object attribute is changed from one specific value to another
- Closed
- mentioned in
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Indeed, you especially need to watch out for bulk edits with the workaround because it can trigger the rate limiting on automation.
We experienced this when we updated the vendor in our environment from Hewlett-Packard to HP.