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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-71145

Batched Notification emails have an empty content when triggered by a custom event using the Issue created template



      Batched Notification emails have an empty content when triggered by a custom event using the Issue created template.

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Go to ⚙ > System > Batching email notifications and enable batched notifications
      • Go to ⚙ > System > Events
        • Create a custom event using the Issue Created event as a template
      • Edit any workflow as follows:
        • Click on the transition triggered when an issue is created
        • Click on the Post functions link from this transition
        • Change the event fired in the post functions to the custom event
        • Publish the new workflow
      • Open a new ticket using this workflow
      • Wait for the batched notifications to be received
      • Check the content of the batched notification email

      Expected Results

      The batched notification contains:

      • an sentence saying "This issue has been CREATED"
      • the details about this tickets fields (Summary, Issue Type, Priority, etc...)

      Actual Results

      The batched notification is almost empty. It contains the issue key and summary and a link to it, but it's missing the rest of the information:


      • Fire the default Issue Created event during the Create transition
      • Or disable the batched notifications feature

        1. Screenshot1.png
          21 kB
          Julien Rey
        2. Screenshot2.png
          83 kB
          Julien Rey
        3. Screenshot3.png
          124 kB
          Julien Rey
        4. Screenshot4.png
          96 kB
          Julien Rey

            tkanafa Tomasz Kanafa
            jrey Julien Rey
            4 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
