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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-65910

Add PostgreSQL 10 as a supported platform for Jira


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      Atlassian Update – 13 February 2020

      In the previous update we've announced that PostgreSQL 10 support is available starting from Jira 8.6 and Jira Service Desk 4.6. In the meantime, in Jira 8.7 we've added support for PostgreSQL 11.

      With this update I'm happy to let you know that PostgreSQL 10 support will soon be available in 8.5.4, the upcoming version of the Enterprise Release stream.


      19 March 2020 update

      Jira Software 8.5.4 is now available with PostgreSQL 10 support.


      Katarzyna Derenda

      Product Manager, Jira Server and Data Center

      Atlassian Update – 13 February 2020 In the previous update we've announced that PostgreSQL 10 support is available starting from Jira 8.6 and Jira Service Desk 4.6. In the meantime, in Jira 8.7 we've added support for PostgreSQL 11. With this update I'm happy to let you know that PostgreSQL 10 support will soon be available in 8.5.4 , the upcoming version of the Enterprise Release stream .   19 March 2020 update Jira Software 8.5.4 is now available with PostgreSQL 10 support.   Katarzyna Derenda Product Manager, Jira Server and Data Center
    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      JIRA is currently (at least in 7.4.3) bundling Postgres JDBC driver lib/postgresql-9.1-903.jdbc4-atlassian-hosted.jar.

      This does not work with Postgres 10. JIRA throws dozens of stacktraces on startup:

      JIRA-Bootstrap INFO [c.a.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger] JIRA pre-database startup checks completed successfully.
      JIRA-Bootstrap INFO [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Database Product Name is PostgreSQL
      JIRA-Bootstrap INFO [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Database Product Version is 10beta3
      JIRA-Bootstrap INFO [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Database Driver Name is PostgreSQL Native Driver
      JIRA-Bootstrap INFO [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Database Driver Version is PostgreSQL 9.1 JDBC4 (build 903)
      JIRA-Bootstrap WARN [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Action" has no table in the database
      JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Could not create table "public.jiraaction"
      JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] SQL Exception while executing the following:
      CREATE TABLE public.jiraaction (ID NUMERIC(18,0) NOT NULL, issueid NUMERIC(18,0), AUTHOR VARCHAR(255), actiontype VARCHAR(255), actionlevel VARCHAR(255), rolelevel NUMERIC(18,0), actionbody TEXT, CREATED TIMESTAMPTZ, UPDATEAUTHOR VARCHAR(255), UPDATED TIMESTAMPTZ, actionnum NUMERIC(18,0), CONSTRAINT PK_jiraaction PRIMARY KEY (ID))
      Error was: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "jiraaction" already exists
      JIRA-Bootstrap WARN [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Application" has no table in the database
      JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Could not create table "public.cwd_application"
      JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] SQL Exception while executing the following:
      CREATE TABLE public.cwd_application (ID NUMERIC(18,0) NOT NULL, application_name VARCHAR(255), lower_application_name VARCHAR(255), created_date TIMESTAMPTZ, updated_date TIMESTAMPTZ, active NUMERIC(9,0), description VARCHAR(255), application_type VARCHAR(255), credential VARCHAR(255), CONSTRAINT PK_cwd_application PRIMARY KEY (ID))
      Error was: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "cwd_application" already exists
      JIRA-Bootstrap WARN [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ApplicationUser" has no table in the database
      JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Could not create table "public.app_user"
      JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] SQL Exception while executing the following:

      Upgrading the JDBC jar to postgresql-42.1.4.jar fixes this. Confluence already bundles this version.

      See also CONFSERVER-52715.

            mmasiorski Marcin Masiorski (Inactive)
            7c5359af675b Jeff Turner
            288 Vote for this issue
            199 Start watching this issue
