Resolution: Fixed
JIRA is currently (at least in 7.4.3) bundling Postgres JDBC driver lib/postgresql-9.1-903.jdbc4-atlassian-hosted.jar.
This does not work with Postgres 10. JIRA throws dozens of stacktraces on startup:
JIRA-Bootstrap INFO [c.a.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger] JIRA pre-database startup checks completed successfully. JIRA-Bootstrap INFO [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Database Product Name is PostgreSQL JIRA-Bootstrap INFO [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Database Product Version is 10beta3 JIRA-Bootstrap INFO [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Database Driver Name is PostgreSQL Native Driver JIRA-Bootstrap INFO [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Database Driver Version is PostgreSQL 9.1 JDBC4 (build 903) JIRA-Bootstrap WARN [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Action" has no table in the database JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Could not create table "public.jiraaction" JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] SQL Exception while executing the following: CREATE TABLE public.jiraaction (ID NUMERIC(18,0) NOT NULL, issueid NUMERIC(18,0), AUTHOR VARCHAR(255), actiontype VARCHAR(255), actionlevel VARCHAR(255), rolelevel NUMERIC(18,0), actionbody TEXT, CREATED TIMESTAMPTZ, UPDATEAUTHOR VARCHAR(255), UPDATED TIMESTAMPTZ, actionnum NUMERIC(18,0), CONSTRAINT PK_jiraaction PRIMARY KEY (ID)) Error was: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "jiraaction" already exists JIRA-Bootstrap WARN [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Application" has no table in the database JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Could not create table "public.cwd_application" JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] SQL Exception while executing the following: CREATE TABLE public.cwd_application (ID NUMERIC(18,0) NOT NULL, application_name VARCHAR(255), lower_application_name VARCHAR(255), created_date TIMESTAMPTZ, updated_date TIMESTAMPTZ, active NUMERIC(9,0), description VARCHAR(255), application_type VARCHAR(255), credential VARCHAR(255), CONSTRAINT PK_cwd_application PRIMARY KEY (ID)) Error was: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "cwd_application" already exists JIRA-Bootstrap WARN [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ApplicationUser" has no table in the database JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Could not create table "public.app_user" JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [o.o.c.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] SQL Exception while executing the following:
Upgrading the JDBC jar to postgresql-42.1.4.jar fixes this. Confluence already bundles this version.
See also CONFSERVER-52715.
- is duplicated by
JRASERVER-67730 Support for PostgreSQL 10
- Closed
- is related to
BSERV-10473 Support for PostgreSQL 10
- Closed
- relates to
CONFSERVER-52715 Support for PostgreSQL 10
- Closed
JRASERVER-68578 JIRA support for Postgres 11
- Closed
CWD-5241 Support for PostgreSQL 10
- Closed
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But I can see re-indexing is very slow