Resolution: Fixed
PostgreSQL 11 has been released, but is not a Supported platform.
Requesting PostgreSQL 11 support.
- blocks
CONFSERVER-57432 Support for PostgreSQL 11
- Closed
- is related to
JRASERVER-65910 Add PostgreSQL 10 as a supported platform for Jira
- Closed
- relates to
JRASERVER-68960 JIRA support for postgresql 12
- Closed
SPLAT-89 You do not have permission to view this issue
- mentioned in
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- resolves
CSP-249991 Loading...
GHS-144919 Loading...
SDS-39962 Loading...
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I like the car reference ... but that you might run into problems with support tickets is the only downside I have read about when not fulfilling the requirements of the supported platforms section.
But it is nice to also get feedback from other server users that can confirm using newer versions does not cause any problems. Since we are also developing a web application with multiple possible SQL backends I know about the hassle with migration scripts and newer versions of database engines.