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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-42880

Cannot link a JIRA issue to a Confluence page (over SSL) when the Page Title contains Comma, Colon, and/or other Special Characters


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.


      It is not possible from a JIRA issue to create a link to a Confluence page if the page title contains a special character e.g. "," (comma) or ":" (colon).

      When trying to create the link, JIRA displays the warning message "No Confluence page found with the given URL."

       This is different from JRASERVER-44784 in terms of the error thrown.

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Configure JIRA and Confluence to run over SSL and create an Applinks between them
      2. Create a Confluence Page with a comma, colon, and/or other special characters in its Title e.g. "Hello, this is a page" or "Hello: This is a page"
      3. From JIRA View Issue screen -> More -> Link -> Confluence Page -> search for the above page -> Link

      Expected behavior

      The Page can be linked without problem

      Actual behavior

      The Page can't be linked and JIRA displays the message: No Confluence page found with the given URL.

      From JIRA log, the following error is seen:

      2017-04-17 22:31:18,674 http-nio-2768-exec-5 ERROR admin 1351x2439x1 1loq84v, /secure/LinkConfluencePage.jspa [c.a.j.p.link.confluence.LinkConfluencePage] Invalid response from getting the pageId: OAuth authentication failed: signature_invalid

      From Confluence log, the following error is seen:

      2017-04-17 23:03:04,278 WARN [http-nio-2728-exec-3] [oauth.serviceprovider.internal.AuthenticatorImpl] logOAuthProblem Problem encountered authenticating OAuth client for url "https://andynguyen.vn/cfl/display/AKB/How+to,+Create+an+unlicensed+account", error was "signature_invalid", with parameters "{oauth_problem=signature_invalid, oauth_signature=srFA3qNIdHQw4qyrf7GQSn1tUlw14pToBGegAtmrwjdBdhIebkSOV0VjA5Ut8fpPptpg7K6AQRx8Xsi5PN5MgoRn7ob+yAREYI2Fmt3ogFQhSxdPogbEiC6cD5vezSikQ07lElIL4AN10v/WI15Cam5HGbgyAz0hIyjaOMNfoCY=, oauth_signature_base_string=GET&https%3A%2F%2Fandynguyen.vn%2Fcfl%2Fdisplay%2FAKB%2FHow%2Bto%2C%2BCreate%2Ban%2Bunlicensed%2Baccount&oauth_consumer_key%3Djira%253Aad9b4d81-de29-4fa4-8c1f-d8a6f95f90a0%26oauth_nonce%3D355942896282833%26oauth_signature_method%3DRSA-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1492441384%26oauth_token%3D%26oauth_version%3D1.0%26xoauth_requestor_id%3Dadmin, oauth_signature_method=RSA-SHA1}"
      -- url: /cfl/display/AKB/How+to,+Create+an+unlicensed+account | traceId: 5e365adc4ef0a9b4

       From the browser's F12 developer tools, the status code is actually 200.


      If JIRA and Confluence run over HTTP, the same Page (with special characters in its title) can be linked without problem.


      • Temporarily remove the Special Character from the Page Title before linking, then edit the Page Title to add it back
      • Use JIRA Macros to mention the JIRA Issue in the Confluence Page
      • Use the page link that contains its page ID instead (manually):
        • Get the link by clicking Options (...) -> Page Information -> change the URL from ...viewinfo.action... to ...viewpage.action...


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            6cd6c1bc30cb Gaël NEUEZ
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