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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-60559

Pages with special character on the title cannot be linked with issues on JIRA


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.


      When a page on Confluence contains a special character on the page title it cannot be linked to a JIRA issue. (e.g. comma, asterisk, colon, parenthesis, etc.)


      Affected Confluence: 6.0.0-OD-2015.50.1-0003

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a page on Confluence using the :;
      2. Go to JIRA and open an issue;
      3. Go to More > Link > Confluence Page
      4. Past the Confluence URL.

      Expected Results

      Link the page.

      Actual Results

      Error: No confluence page found with the given URL

      2015-12-11 11:36:48.486963500 2015-12-11 11:36:48,485 WARN [http-bio-1990-exec-1113] [auth.trustedapps.filter.TrustedApplicationFilterAuthenticator] authenticate Failed to login trusted application [wdtablesystems.atlassian.net] due to bad URL signature. Received protocol version [2]. Required protocol version [2]
      2015-12-11 11:36:48.486965500  -- traceId: ef3e1376ecb62305


      1. Remove the : from the page title (in Confluence).
        • OR replace %3A to use colon : in JIRA right before pressing "Link". See this KB article
      2. Alternative workaround: Link the page by pageID instead, (e.g. CONFLUENCEURL/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=########)
        (The pageID can be found by mousing-over the edit button on the page and is seen on the bottom of your browser.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              hfreitas Henrique Freitas (Inactive)
              35 Vote for this issue
              24 Start watching this issue
