NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      In order to force users select the correct Issue Type, is configured Default Issue Type as None, but when users click on create a new ticket Issue Type brings the last issue type selected instead of None, which means option None doesn't work as expected. If the user has never created a ticket before or just switched projects None will default to the top Issue type in the Issue Types for Current Scheme.

      To reproduce:

      1. Login JIRA as Administrator;
      2. Navigate trough Issues >> Issue Type Scheme;
      3. Select None in Default Issue Type;
      4. Create an user;
      5. login JIRA with new user;
      6. Try to create an issue.

        1. issuetypedefaultnone.png
          21 kB
        2. DefaultIssueType.png
          95 kB
        3. CreateIssueDefaultType.png
          132 kB

            [JRASERVER-30620] Setting Default Issue Type to "None" Ignored

            No work has yet been logged on this issue.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              fscheibel Fagner Scheibel [Atlassian]
              Affected customers:
              60 This affects my team
              86 Start watching this issue
