Resolution: Not a bug
Medium (View bug fix roadmap)
5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.9, 6.0.2, 6.2-OD-5, 6.2.2, 6.4
NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.
In order to force users select the correct Issue Type, is configured Default Issue Type as None, but when users click on create a new ticket Issue Type brings the last issue type selected instead of None, which means option None doesn't work as expected. If the user has never created a ticket before or just switched projects None will default to the top Issue type in the Issue Types for Current Scheme.
To reproduce:
- Login JIRA as Administrator;
- Navigate trough Issues >> Issue Type Scheme;
- Select None in Default Issue Type;
- Create an user;
- login JIRA with new user;
- Try to create an issue.
- is duplicated by
JRASERVER-15213 Sometimes the default Issue Type is not set correctly when creating an Issue.
- Closed
JRASERVER-44026 Default Issue Type is being ignored
- Closed
- is related to
JRASERVER-40898 Default Issue Type - value from Issue Type Scheme is not used.
- Closed
- relates to
JRACLOUD-30620 Setting Default Issue Type to "None" Ignored
- Closed
JSWSERVER-11749 Inline issue creation should use the default type from the Issue Type Scheme
- Closed
JRASERVER-13048 Allow 'No default' for Priority
- Gathering Interest
- blocks
PS-74736 Loading...
[JRASERVER-30620] Setting Default Issue Type to "None" Ignored
"We will be removing the "none" option in a future release of JIRA in order to reduce confusion. From that point on, JIRA will default to using the first issue type in the issue type scheme as the default, and administrators can choose to set another issue type as the default."
I'm experiencing this in 8.21, which was released December 2021. The fact that it says Default: None but does indeed choose its own version of a default (a rule described above) is simply confusing. It's not behaving the way it should be based on its own words. I would call that a (outstanding) bug. Calling this "Not a bug" is very dishonest. If it weren't, the changes described wouldn't have been planned, right?
This is still a problem 8.13.4 - any status? Or please action on this one https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRASERVER-65439
Many thanks!
In a large scale Jira Production, where there are already 10-20+ Issue types that is being use by different projects creating a new value "None" or "Unspecified" doesn't make sense and not necessary its like adding a redundant value to the Issue Type only to have an option to restrict the user to choose the correct issue type.
I have made some workaround by adding the "Unspecified" value and when the user use this value it will throw an error. One using Adaptavist script runner and one of our internal app but its not working this method is what I used in "Priority" field which has already a default "Unspecified" value and its working, I just don't understand why we can't implement it in the Issue Type field?
Has anyone found a workaround?
This is really bad. Forcing user to choose one is the right thing. It does not take anytime and it avoids lots of mistakes. Choosing the last settings does not make sense as chances are users creating both types randomly. It is a very common mistake that users create an issue with the wrong type simply because it is set to the last type chosen.
I am facing the same issue as well. Is there any solution for the same ?
Jira Software 7.11.2. Default issue types are being ignored.
Your classification of this as "not a bug" depends on your point of view.
Surely the solution would be to have a configuration option that determines whether the default issue type is enforced, or whether JIRA does the 'clever' thing of remembering the last type you used. Clearly some of your customers want one of those, some want the other, and some haven't thought about it.
Jira Software 7.8.0 Default issue types are being ignored. Please reopen.
Jira Software 7.12.3 Default issue types are being ignored. Please reopen.
Default issue types are being ignored. This is a bug. Please reopen.
Please reconsider this. This is clearly a bug!
If I define a default issue type for a project, it should have this issue type selected whenever I create a new ticket and choose that project, otherwise its a useless option to have.
It should automatically change issue type if I change project to another project with another issue type set as default.
Please reopen this and classify as Feature Request if you must.
If the number of duplicate requests doesn't convince you that this is a needed feature, these related support questions should.
Here is a new duplicate by the way. https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRASERVER-65439
I would settle for JIRA always assigning the "Default Issue Type" set for the project where the issue is created. But that doesn't even work properly.
Atlassian: is it possible to add a flag (checkbox) Remember Last on the Issuetype Configuration Scheme where:
- Checked: brings back the last selected issuetype
- Unchecked: sets the issuetype to the default or None
This ought to be an easy solve as many customers are hitting this problem.
This behaviour still occurs in Jira Server 7.3.6:
- created a new project ProjectA
- did set default issue type to Task
- on creation of a new issue the issue type field is incorrectly set for Epic instead of Task
- changed the issue type of the issue to be created to Task
- on creation of the next new issue in ProjectA the issue type field is correctly set for Task
- created another new issue with issue type Epic in another project ProjectB
- on creation of a new issue on project ProjectA the issue type is again set to Epic
I do not see why this problem should not be a bug.
BTW: ProjectA is a KANBAN project. Maybe there is some limitation on the issue type field?
We have this issue with Jira 7.1.2
- project is configured with Default Issue Type scheme
- default issue type is set to "Request", but first issue type in the list is "None"
What happens (tested in Chrome, IE 11):
- Create Issue button in Jira header displays popup with correct project name in Project field and "Project Name ..." in the Issue Type field.
- Issues - Create Issue link displays "Create Issue" page with Issue Type field set to last used issue type ("Bug") from the issue types list from Issue Type schema.
- Even after "Request" was made the first issue type in the list there is no luck.
Please suggest me with the solution.
Working with a client and they would really like the ability to force user to select an issue type (i.e. default would be "none" and you would be required to fill it in). Any chance of getting this re-opened or creating a new task?
+1 this way the default issue type option losses its true meaning and is useless.
I know Atlassian says this is not a bug, but it is. When you choose a particular project, the default issue type for that project should appear in the issue type field, not the last issue you were viewing or had previously selected.
Many of our developers work on multiple projects and some of the issue types share the same create screen so it's easy to start filling out fields for the wrong issue type.
@Atlassian - please reconsider the status of this issue and provide a fix.
This isn't working period. I even switched the order and it's not rendering correctly.
Even it does not work when switching between the projects which have different default issue type set, which I guess is a bug.
+1 this way the default issue type option losses its true meaning and is useless.
+1 A wrong issue type generates in most cases a delay so we really would like to force the people to select the right issue type.
+1 to Simon Liddicott. I'm all for keeping things simple, but not when simple translates to a much higher frequency that users select the wrong task type. That's not the kind of simplification that helps.
Perhaps this should be reclassified as a feature request then?
I think it should be up to the local site administrator if they want to force a choice each time.
If you want to default to the users last choice that can be an option too.
Hi everyone,
After extensive discussion within the JIRA team, we have come to the conclusion that the current behavior is the correct one for JIRA going forward, and this is not a bug.
The intent of the "none" value was never to force users to make a choice when creating an issue. If the default issue type was set to "none", JIRA would default to the first issue in the issue type scheme. Once a user has created an issue in a project in the current session, JIRA retains the issue type from the previous issue any time the user creates a new issue in the same project. This is intended to make it easier for users to quickly create issues, such as when a software developer is creating a number of stories for a sprint or a QA engineer is filing bugs. The logic also supports our feature for creating issues in-line in the backlog in JIRA Agile.
Looking at the comments on this issue, the primary motivation for having a default issue type of "none" is to force users to select an issue type each time they create an issue. We believe the convenience of retaining the previous issue type is more valuable for more users than the ability to force users to choose an issue type each time. That's not to say that many of the use cases described here are not valid, but it simply is not possible for JIRA to be everything for everybody. JIRA has tens of thousands of customers and millions of users, and each one uses JIRA differently. We are also committed to avoiding adding more per-project or system-level configuration options; JIRA already has such a wealth of options that many new administrators find JIRA complex. We are working on making JIRA simpler to use and administer – each new option to configure is a step backwards.
We will be removing the "none" option in a future release of JIRA in order to reduce confusion. From that point on, JIRA will default to using the first issue type in the issue type scheme as the default, and administrators can choose to set another issue type as the default.
If you have any questions, you can email me directly: dmeyer@atlassian.com
Dave Meyer
Product Manager, JIRA Platform
+1 to Colin. Sounds like the bigger issue is the "set Type to last used" cannot be overridden. The goal of most people voting on this ticket is to force users to always make a choice.
@Benjamin Magro, that assumes that users always only create the same issue type.
I would suggest that assumption is the core problem: if users really always only used the same issue type, there probably wouldn't be much concern over this. The problem is that the issue type to be created may change. Also, if it changes every time, then users will probably get in a good habit of setting this field (though you still should not leave that to user processes rather than letting the system force the user to select).
The real problem is when it only occasionally needs to be a different value. At this point, the user has been trained by your current approach to ignore the field. It's not important to set it, because it never changes. Yes, your current implementation actually teaches users to make mistakes and ignore this field.
Hi chadwela,
When looking at the Occurrence Factor we look at how often people run into this problem. This issue is a bit of a tricky one. Technically people only run into the bug the first time they assign an issue. From then on they are show the Issue Type the last used, hence the 25%.
We will review the Occurrence Factor again before we settle on the official factor.
Thanks for your feedback,
Ben Magro - Service Enablement
Yeah I have to 2nd the thought. I'm very big on Atlassian products, administered./ worked w/ JIRA since v3. in 2009. I constantly promote your products and think your technical support is top notch.
But you guys are missing the importance of this issue.
We load our Data Warehouse / Decision Support System with all JIRA issues we then create reports for metrics gathering keying on bugs. This data gathered is used to address where we need additional testing. The issue type not working as expected is making this data less accurate.
As M. Hoogenboom wrote, it's hard to believe that any users prefer the current behavior. It doesn't do what it says, guarantees at least occasional human error, and is therefore effectively a bug. I could believe that there may be other, more pressing issues affecting users, but surely this problem affects any customer that allows its users to create tasks. The current system requires users to exercise care and rigorously follow their internal process (select the proper issue type). But that's exactly what JIRA should help with – protect the users against possible human error and process mistakes.
How do you determine that less than 25% of your users are affected? I think everyone is affected, but most have probably more or less accepted it and are busy moving issues to the correct type after having created one. It certainly is also an issue in our company.
Andre Quadros Petry suggested this is the right place to post about a variant to this bug: in addition to forcing the user to select a Type if the Default is set to None, if the Admin sets a default issue type, it should indeed default to that issue type for every new issue by a user, and NOT the last type selected by the user. In other words, this really needs 2 options in addition to the actual issue types:
1. None - behavior intended to be fixed by this bug
2. <left blank> - remember the user's last selection (current behavior)
All other actual issue type selections should force that issue type. For example, If I set the default as "Bug" it should always open as a Bug when a user creates a new issue, even if the user's last new issue was a Story.
Voting this one up. I think this relates to JRA-4812. Support for setting default values for system fields is quite weak in Jira.
Added my vote for this too.
- At the very least, my expectation is that a "default issue type" should default to the set "default issue type", not whatever issue type the user last entered, if available. This one is really hard to understand why it doesn't work this way (I implemented the workaround described by "Its Me" on 24/Oct/13.)
- Ideally, setting the default issue type to "None" would make the default issue None....
I have this exact issue which causes all tickets to be the same Issue Type since the average user is too lazy to change it. Defaulting to None forces them to stop and think about the correct Issue Type.
I'm using JIRA v6.2.2#6258-sha1:2012433.
Hi ocsi26,
The "Verified" status means
This issue has been verified by Atlassian
In more detail, an Atlassian engineer has verified that this issue is a reproducible bug in a known version of JIRA.
Hope that clarifies the meaning of the status.
Oswaldo Hernández.
JIRA Bugmaster.
What does Verified status mean in this case? Do you have any update on this?
Hi ike,
Thanks for showing your interest in this bugfix.
This issue is not currently scheduled for any upcoming JIRA maintenance release as we are currently working through bugs in other areas in JIRA.
There are many other issues currently open in JIRA, so some bugs might take a longer time to schedule as we get through the other existing issues that are open.
Additionally, some issues might be apparently easy to fix, but sometimes the resolution requires significant architectural/user experience changes that are not apparent at first sight and need to be considered as part of the fix.
Hope the information helps answer your question.
Oswaldo Hernández.
JIRA Bugmaster.
Hello? Is there any time-frame for fixing this bug? It looks like an easy one but still open for over a year... Why?
Totally need this as well... We have massive problems with people selecting the wrong issue type just because they're not forced to make a conscious decision!
It seems like this ticket describes the way everyone expects the "None" option to behave. Any chance it can be implemented in the upcoming JIRA release?
The workaround described works the first time. After that, JIRA remembers the user's last input into the "Issue Type" field and the desired behavior is lost.
While not bulletproof, I have implemented somewhat of a workaround to this problem.
I created a new issues type called "None" and then in the created screen for this issue type, I removed all the fields, so that if a user selects "None", they can't input any meaningful data.
I then followed the instructions here to associate the issue screen with this issue type: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Associating+Screen+and+Issue+Operation+Mappings+with+an+Issue+Type. I have also set my new "None" issue type as the default.
Now, if someone creates a new Issue, they get my "None" as the default and they have to choose a different issue otherwise, they can't submit the issue.
Still hoping to have a fix for this! So often we have hasty people creating the wrong issue type since we can't force them to make the choice themselves since this is broken.
We have the same problem like andrew.hancox. The most users don't change this field if they are not forced to.
PS: This issue affects all versions of JIRA.
This is a really big problem for me. We filter issue types to different teams and right now people don't pay attention when creating the issue. Having a default type of None would solve this problem.
I would really like to be able to force users to have to think about what issue type they are selecting. Any ideas about how to accomplish forcing a user selection without some kind of change to the application that alters the behavior on this path?
I am running 8.20.11 and even though none is set as the default, it just remembers the users last picked issue type.