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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-74128

When creating a backup for Server (in Cloud), automatically convert team-managed projects into company-managed in the backup



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      Problem Definition

      There are times when you need to take your Jira Cloud data and put it into a Jira Server site. There are many reasons for this, such as auditing your data locally, testing out something, or a true Cloud to Server migration. However with Jira Cloud having next-gen projects (and Server not having them), the process to create a backup intended for Jira Server is much more difficult to manage now for site-admins. Now admins have to either convert all the next-gen projects into classic first, OR delete them before a backup can be made for Server.

      Suggested Solution

      It would be amazing if the server backup creation option could just create its backup file as if the next-gen projects had already been converted (don't actually convert them on the Cloud site, just in the backup file). Since this backup is never intended to be used with another Jira Cloud site, the backup for server should just auto-convert them for you.

      Why this is important

      It's difficult as a site-admin to know what data created by others in next-gen projects would still be needed after a migration. This requires the site-admin to contact each project creator to see if that data is required. Otherwise the admin has to make the gut wrenching decision to either delete or convert. Both options are not ideal.


      Current workaround looks like this:

      1. create a Cloud backup (not server backup)
      2. Create a temporary Cloud site
      3. Import that Jira Cloud Backup there (full restore)
      4. Convert or delete the next-gen projects in the temp site
      5. Then create a server backup
      6. Use that file to import to server
      7. destroy temp cloud site data


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              aheinzer Andy Heinzer
              11 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue

