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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-69835

As a user, I want more control over how CSV export displays assignee/reporter names


    • 14
    • 35
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Problem Definition

      Using the original "Export to Excel" functionality, ticket assignee/reporters were exported using the display name (e.g., Jane Doe) rather than the username (e.g., jdoe823). Now when exporting to CSV, these fields are coming across as username/email.

      Suggested Solution

      Provide an option to allow users (or administrators) to choose whether they'd like the export file to user display name or username. If this proves not to be feasible as it might break compatibility of the exported CSV data with CSV import,  then as an alternative approach provide an option to export display name as well as username.

      Why this is important

      Many organizations have established reporting built around the data originally included within Excel exports. Allowing users to choose how assignees/reporters are displayed will allow them to use existing workflows without modification.


      Understanding that you might want to use the CSV file for reporting purposes, which would probably require the actual name of the assignee and reporter, I thought about a possible approach that will help you to keep track of those information.

      This example covers the assignee field:

      • Create a text custom field:
      • Create an automation within the projects that will populate that custom field with the display name of the assignee when the field Assignee changes (you will need to use the smart value {{issue.assignee.displayName}}):
      • When search for that field, you can include the text custom field (or export all fields), which will display the assignee's name. That value will be kept when the CSV file is generated:

      You can implement a similar approach to the reporter fields as well.

      For reference about smart values in Automation, see Smart values - general.

      I understand that it might require some work, but that will automate the operation, and will help with keeping track of the assignee and reporter when exporting issues to CSV.

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        5. Screen Shot 2020-06-18 at 09.54.55.png
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          Leonardo De Almeida

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            troyall TJ Royall
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