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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-69298

Allow fields to be hidden when certain group or users views a ticket i.e field-level security


    • 1,124
    • 251
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      Currently is possible to restrict access to projects and tickets. It is not possible to restrict field visibility however. It will be nice to have a function that can prevent certain users/groups to view specific fields as they may be confidential.

      The ticket is accessible but some fields might contain some confidential information that best left hidden.


      If your use case allows you may try to explore this approach: Instead of Hidden the fields: you can try to create a screen that can have the field that you wish to hide and then associate with any transition putting condition “User Is In Group” .  Only the desired user would be able to perform transition and see the field on the screen. 

            Unassigned Unassigned
            vchin Vincent Chin (Inactive)
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