NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
Hey All,
Thank you all for your patience and understanding over the lifespan of this ticket.
What’s the deal?
I’m pleased to say that we have completed the necessary additional functionality to include Active Objects data when importing projects. This means you can now carry over your JIRA Agile project data between instances.
What’s included?
Sprint and Ranking data are considered to be the most important types of data in JIRA Agile and was included in the Active Objects being imported.
As mentioned in our previous update, the solution doesn’t include all data found in JIRA Agile. Boards, which harboured too much complexity to deliver in this solution within a reasonable timeframe, has been excluded from this implementation.
When can I use this?
JIRA Server will need to wait until the next major release of JIRA to utilise this feature.
Due to the internal changes necessary to provide this functionality, both the exporting and importing JIRA instances need to be versions which have this new implementation. This means Active Objects will not be imported when involving any instance that is not up-to-date with this functionality.
Once again, thank you for your patience and a big thank you to all the beta candidates that helped during our testing program for this feature.
Kerrod Williams
JIRA Product Management
kewilliams at atlassian dot com
If you are looking for JIRA Agile specific data, we are tracking this separately here:
Original description below
Currently, when performing a project import, it does not restore any plugin data, including JIRA Agile (formerly GreenHopper). This is an issue, as many customers do use both JIRA with GH integration.
With the more recent releases of plugins, information is stored within AO tables, which the project import also ignores. Some sample information that should be included:
- Ranking
- Start/End/Release dates for versions
- causes
JSWSERVER-4448 Import GreenHopper data as part of single project import
- Closed
JSWSERVER-10007 Issues are appearing in a Sprint Report from another Sprint
- Closed
JSWSERVER-2345 GreenHopper release data information lost during Project Import
- Closed
- is duplicated by
JRASERVER-28659 Project Import should retain Rankings for GreenHopper
- Closed
- is related to
JRASERVER-34338 Importing individual projects from an XML backup can lead to Agile charts being wrong.
- Gathering Impact
JSWSERVER-8197 As a GreenHopper Admin, I'd like to I'd like to see an Admin tab for GH that would read an activeobjects.xml file and recreate the sprints in a supported way.
- Closed
JSWSERVER-10577 Import and export of single JIRA project should include JIRA Agile data
- Closed
JSWSERVER-15856 Documentation update on JIRA Software reporting
- Closed
JRASERVER-38018 Flexible utility for Jira data export and import
- Gathering Interest
JRASERVER-65270 Project import to allow JIRA Software Board mapping
- Gathering Interest
- relates to
JSWSERVER-19767 Project import will break Epic report
- Gathering Impact
JRACLOUD-28748 Project Imports should include relevant Active Objects data
- Closed
JRASERVER-28487 Option to import Ranking fields from external system into GreenHopper
- Closed
JSDSERVER-2741 Provide the ability to import a Service Desk project from an XML backup
- Gathering Interest
- mentioned in
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I have moved scripts to new place