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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-810

[JIRAALIGN-810] PI is not nulled out when moving a story to a Parent Feature that is in the Unassigned Backlog


    • 10
    • Severity 3 - Minor
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      On Jira Align Test instance, locate a story that is currently part of Feature assigned to a PI. In this, test story ID 217704 was used. Both the Story its Parent Feature are synced over from Test Jira.

      Next, on the Test Jira side, move the story to an Epic that is currently not part of a Program Increment on Jira Align. Wait for the connector to sync up with Jira.

      Open up the story on Jira Align and scroll down to the Program Increment field.
      On Jira Align Test instance, locate a story that is currently part of Feature assigned to a PI. In this, test story ID 217704 was used. Both the Story its Parent Feature are synced over from Test Jira. Next, on the Test Jira side, move the story to an Epic that is currently not part of a Program Increment on Jira Align. Wait for the connector to sync up with Jira. Open up the story on Jira Align and scroll down to the Program Increment field.
    • The Stories will inherit the PI of their parent Feature. When the Program Increment field is set to Unassigned Backlog for a Parent Feature, the Story should also be set to Unassigned Backlog in the Program Increment field.
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      The Story is still assigned to the Program Increment from its previously assigned Feature. An error is shown underneath the PI field stating that the Story belongs to a Program Increment, but that the parent feature is part of the Unassigned Backlog. Also, the audit log for that story reveals that the PI field does not get nulled out whenever the story is moved to a different feature.
      The Story is still assigned to the Program Increment from its previously assigned Feature. An error is shown underneath the PI field stating that the Story belongs to a Program Increment, but that the parent feature is part of the Unassigned Backlog. Also, the audit log for that story reveals that the PI field does not get nulled out whenever the story is moved to a different feature.
    • A-Team - VanHalen2
    • No


            spatel@atlassian.com Shak Patel (Inactive)
            kbaxley Kent Baxley
            4 Vote for this issue
            17 Start watching this issue
