Resolution: Fixed
10.74, 10.75
Severity 2 - Major
Avengers - TART4
Issue Summary
- Customers have encountered situations where a 504 gateway timeout occurs when attempting to change Sprints inside the Team Room.
- We (Atlassian Support) have not been able to reproduce this so far internally, but, the problem seems to occur on customers with larger deployments.
- In the case where the customer encountered the issue, the Sprint in question had less than 12 stories at this time, so, the issue doesn't seem to be related directly to the number of stories.
Steps to Reproduce
- Log in to a customer instance and set a Program and Program Increment in Tier 1.
- Navigate to the Team Room and select a Team and a Sprint. Make sure the Team Room Page loads completely.
- Go to the Sprint Drop Down and select a new Sprint, for example:
Expected Results
The team room reloads with the data from the new sprint.
Actual Results
After about 60 seconds of waiting, the customer ends up with a 504 Gateway Timeout.
The below warnings are seen on backend logging when trying to execute the RPM_GET_TEAM_COMMITS stored procedure:
7/29/20 2:11:58.719 PM { [-] ASP_function: OOFunctionsSql.LogToSqlTiming correlationid: IKSddk8lFbdaI3bdbPNJQMsNO+Vox2oIunZ6bAcuehE= customer_db: XXX log_type: warning logfrom_location: Website-ASP sql: EXEC RPM_GET_TEAM_COMMITS ? sqlCount: 1 sqlFunction: SetRSParams sqlTime: 4304 timestamp: 2020-07-29T15:11:58.719000-04:00 url: https://xxx.agilecraft.com:443/TeamRoom/Ajax/Dashboard.asp?viewType=TeamView&UID=1&IterationID=32175&TeamID=2249 urlverb: POST user: A543123 version: } 7/29/20 2:11:54.400 PM { [-] ASP_function: OOFunctionsSql.LogToSqlTiming correlationid: IKSddk8lFbdaI3bdbPNJQMsNO+Vox2oIunZ6bAcuehE= customer_db: xxxxx log_type: warning logfrom_location: Website-ASP sql: EXEC RPM_GET_TEAM_COMMITS ? sqlCount: 1 sqlFunction: SetRSParams sqlTime: 3742 timestamp: 2020-07-29T15:11:54.400000-04:00 url: https://xxxxx.agilecraft.com:443/TeamRoom/Ajax/Dashboard.asp?viewType=TeamView&UID=1&IterationID=32175&TeamID=2249 urlverb: POST user: A543123 version: } 7/29/20 2:11:50.643 PM { [-] ASP_function: OOFunctionsSql.LogToSqlTiming correlationid: IKSddk8lFbdaI3bdbPNJQMsNO+Vox2oIunZ6bAcuehE= customer_db: xxxxxx log_type: warning logfrom_location: Website-ASP sql: EXEC RPM_GET_TEAM_COMMITS ? sqlCount: 1 sqlFunction: SetRSParams sqlTime: 3598 timestamp: 2020-07-29T15:11:50.643000-04:00 url: https://xxxxxx.agilecraft.com:443/TeamRoom/Ajax/Dashboard.asp?viewType=TeamView&UID=1&IterationID=32175&TeamID=2249 urlverb: POST user: A543123 version: } 7/29/20 2:11:47.031 PM { [-] ASP_function: OOFunctionsSql.LogToSqlTiming correlationid: IKSddk8lFbdaI3bdbPNJQMsNO+Vox2oIunZ6bAcuehE= customer_db: xxxxxx log_type: warning logfrom_location: Website-ASP sql: EXEC RPM_GET_TEAM_COMMITS ? sqlCount: 1 sqlFunction: SetRSParams sqlTime: 3971 timestamp: 2020-07-29T15:11:47.031000-04:00 url: https://xxxxxx.agilecraft.com:443/TeamRoom/Ajax/Dashboard.asp?viewType=TeamView&UID=1&IterationID=32175&TeamID=2249 urlverb: POST user: A543123 version: } 7/29/20 2:11:43.043 PM { [-] ASP_function: OOFunctionsSql.LogToSqlTiming correlationid: IKSddk8lFbdaI3bdbPNJQMsNO+Vox2oIunZ6bAcuehE= customer_db: xxxxxxx log_type: warning logfrom_location: Website-ASP sql: EXEC RPM_GET_TEAM_COMMITS ? sqlCount: 1 sqlFunction: SetRSParams sqlTime: 4400 timestamp: 2020-07-29T15:11:43.043000-04:00 url: https://xxxxxx.agilecraft.com:443/TeamRoom/Ajax/Dashboard.asp?viewType=TeamView&UID=1&IterationID=32175&TeamID=2249 urlverb: POST user: A543123 version: }
When looking for this specific stored procedure call in the code, and found it in DailyDataGraphs2.asp and DailyDataGraphs.asp. Could it be that there's a performance issue when trying to generate a graph on the Team Room page?
sql = " EXEC RPM_GET_TEAM_COMMITS ? " ReDim sqlParameters(0) Set sqlParameters(0) = cmdTemp.CreateParameter("@sprintIDs", adInteger, adParamInput, 4, SqlNullFix3Int(IterationID)) Call SetRSParams(sql, ObjConn, ObjRS, sqlParameters) 'verified If Not ObjRS.eof Then CommitedLOEPoints = ObjRS("Difficulty") PlannedVelocity = ObjRS("Difficulty") ObjRS.movenext End If
The corresponding support ticket was initially escalated to Batman for review, and the findings were, that in the Stored Procedure, we have to deal with a large amount of sprints and audits of them. It is possible that there is an issue for that view. The recommendation ist that engineering should allocate some time to make the performance of that Stored Procedure better.
Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available