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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-8098

User browser shows duplicate accounts when a user exists both locally and in LDAP


      If a customer has an existing local account called 'bob' and migrates this account over to the hibernate implementation in atlassian-user AND 'bob' also exists in LDAP, then searching for bob in the Administration > Manage Users screen will return two results.

      Amending description:

      The problem is cosmetic only. Two users are shown from Administration > Manage Users, but this is the only problem While annoying, this bug does not affect security nor functionality. You can ignore the fact that there are two users in the User Manager.

              dave@atlassian.com dave (Inactive)
              dave@atlassian.com dave (Inactive)
              53 Vote for this issue
              39 Start watching this issue
