Resolution: Fixed
Evaluating Confluence for our corporate needs. Initially created "native" Confluence users to get some people started using/evaluating it. Later, after their feedback was positive, we implemented LDAP and invited more people to evaluate it.
The original "native" users had their usernames set the same as their corporate logins. I expected that when we switched to LDAP, that LDAP user would "take over" and invalidate the original native user.
It did, but the duplicate "native" user is still showing up. I did some searches here and there was another ticket that claims this duplicate user problem (display only problem, but still annoying and confusing to people) was solved.
My thoughts about how this could be both fixed AND me still experiencing it on 3.3.1 is that perhaps the previous fix wasn't taking into account matches that have case differences.
For example, the "native" user has username "jsmith".
But the LDAP user has username of "JSmith"
Although Confluence correctly associates them with each other, I think for purposes of eliminating the duplicate from the user search, the current fix is looking for a case-sensitive match instead of a case-INsenstive match.
So perhaps the solution is something like (pseudo Java code...haven't programmed it in a decade)
if (NativeUserName.toUpperCase().equals.LDAPUserName.toUpperCase() )
{ // hide native user from results }- duplicates
CONFSERVER-8098 User browser shows duplicate accounts when a user exists both locally and in LDAP
- Closed
- is cloned from
CONFSERVER-16956 User Browser in admin console displays duplicate user names when they exist in both local repository and LDAP
- Closed
- is related to
CONFSERVER-4858 Delete duplicated LDAP users
- Closed