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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-5025

Firefox/IE retrieve cached version of attachments


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: High High
    • 2.10
    • 2.0.1
    • None
    • Tomcat 5.0.x
      Firefox 1.5

      Steps to reproduce

      • Upload an attachment to Confluence
      • Download the attachment using its direct non-version-numbered link
      • Upload a new version of the attachment
      • Download the attachment using its direct non-version-numbered link

      Expected: The new version of the attachment is downloaded
      Actual: The browser returns the old version from its own cache

      Clearing the Firefox cache fixes the problem.

      Presumably, there's something wrong with the way we're doing Etag or If-Modified-Since, or we're erroneously setting an Expires: header (or whatever the HTTP equivalent is).

        1. server.xml
          17 kB
          John Taber

            alynch Andrew Lynch (Inactive)
            cmiller@atlassian.com Charles Miller
            17 Vote for this issue
            17 Start watching this issue
