Resolution: Tracked Elsewhere
5.7.4, 5.9.12, 6.7.1
Severity 3 - Minor
Summary: Attempting to create or save Confluence pages that contain emoji characters fails
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a new confluence page, or edit an existing one
2) Add one or more emoji characters to the page (I used emoji characters that I'd emailed myself from my smartphone)
3) Save the page/changes
Actual: Save operation fails with cryptic error message/or it could not contact the server
Expected: Page should encode the characters as required and save without error
- is blocked by
CONFSERVER-18509 MySQL databases incapable of handling 4byte UTF-8 Characters. Confluence should handle this gracefully
- Closed
CONFSERVER-53642 Support MySQL Databases using utf8mb4
- Closed
- is related to
CONFSERVER-45658 Notification email for blog post with emoji in page title doesn't render correctly (contains �)
- Gathering Impact
- mentioned in
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