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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-1882

Restricting access to user names and profiles


    • 40
    • 86
    • We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Data Center. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Atlassian Update - 8 February 2024

      Hi everyone,

      This is Kathleen from the Confluence team. Thank you for your interest in this suggestion.

      After reviewing this ticket and weighing it up against our other opportunities, we have decided to transition it to 'Gathering interest' as we don't have plans to work on this in the near term.

      Please continue to vote and watch this suggestion if it is important to your team, as we regularly review highly ranked tickets as potential roadmap items.

      To learn more about our recent investments in Confluence Data Center, please check our public roadmap and our dashboards containing recently resolved issues, and current work and future plans.

      Kind regards,
      Confluence Data Center

      In addition to sharing information within my company, we would like to use Confluence for sharing certain information with our customers and clients, and have it host our public website. The one thing that is holding us back from doing this is the inability to restrict who can see a user's profile. Profiles can even be viewed by anonymous users and to my knowledge there is no way to create a named user account without also creating a profile. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. In our case, many of our clients are also direct competitors, and the last thing we want to do is give them a list of all our employees. The same concern also applies to the names at the top of each page, on the dashboard, in the search results, etc., that tell you who last changed the page and at what date and time.

      I tried to come up with couple of ideas about how restriction of user profiles and user names might work. My preferred solution by far is number one but it may also be the most difficult to implement.

      1. A user is only allowed to see the name and profile of another user if they are in the same group. (at least one group, not all)

      2. Allow a global administrative option for enabling/disabling user names and profiles.

      3. Allow each user to decide whether their name and/or profile should be viewable.

      I think that this feature would be useful for many people, although I don't want to speak for other customers. Having such a feature would certainly allow the product to penetrate many more areas of my company.

      Atlassian Status - December 2018

      Thank you for your continued feedback on this issue. We do agree that restricting access to user names and profiles could be valuable for users, particularly in an externally-facing Confluence environments.

      The use cases stemming from external collaboration do touch quite a number of features in the product including user profiles, people directory, mentions, shares, comments and search. In order to provide both a functional and watertight solution it is important to consider these various use cases, their impact on various features and the related front end and API implementations.

      This feature request does form part of a larger long term initiative from which we hope to provide a solution for this issue in the future. We will update the status of this issue once we have made further progress.

      Note that you can restrict Confluence so that anonymous users cannot view user profiles (See our documentation).

      Some of you have also shared concerns around data privacy and GDPR. We'd like to assure you that we’re continuing to take these requirements seriously. For more information on our latest GDPR updates to Confluence, see our 6.13 release notes.

      Jenny - Confluence Product Manager

              Unassigned Unassigned
              8361dc2368cb Jeff Kunkle
              518 Vote for this issue
              337 Start watching this issue
