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    • We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Would like the ability to display numbered, formatted headers. Same test style as existing headers (h1., h2., etc), but with dot-notation nested numbering.

      Maybe something like: h#., h##., h###., etc.

      So markup like:
      h#. One
      h##. One-one
      h##. One-two
      h#. Two
      h##. Two-one
      h###. Two-one-one

      would display as if markup was entered:

      1. One

      1.1 One-one

      1.2 One-two

      2. Two

      2.1 Two-one

      2.1.1 Two-one-one

      Notice that the heading levels start at h2 since h1 is really too big for this usage.

      Atlassian Status as of January 2019

      Hi All,

      Thank you for your feedback on this issue thus far. We acknowledge that many teams require numbered headings for many cases ranging from specifications to the legal profession.
      At present, this issue is not on our short term roadmap.
      Please consider one of the many add-ons in the marketplace which provide this functionality:

      Cloud and Server

      Server only

      Many users have indicated that they need flexibility in the way this feature should work for them. Please do comment to let us and our add-on vendors know if these add-ons do not provide the functionality which you need.

      Confluence Product Management

        1. screenshot-1.jpg
          16 kB
        2. nestedcss-update.txt
          3 kB
        3. nestedcss.txt
          3 kB

            [CONFSERVER-1732] Numbered Headings

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              e50271f7cd6d Dan Nathanson
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