Resolution: Duplicate
The headings notation 'hn.' are only renderred in different font size, which would be vague sometimes in a complex content. The Cascade Outline Numbers of Heading make content clearer. A new wiki notation should be introduced, such as 'h#n.', in order to render a cascade number. Moreover, while displaying a page included other pages, the cascade numbers in the included pages are adjusted automatedly.
for examples
h#1. Heading-1
h#2. Heading-2
h#2. Heading-3
h#1. Heading-4
to be renderred:
1. Heading-1
1.1. Heading-2
1.2. Heading-3
2. Heading-4
- duplicates
CONFSERVER-1732 Numbered Headings
- Not Being Considered
This issue has already been raised: CONF-1732.
Please vote and add comments there.