Resolution: Fixed
Confluence is missing one very important feature: there's no way to set the order of the pages. When I create a document, pages are kidnof chapters in that document and chapters must be ordered in a specific order, not alphabetically, as confluence does now.
I tried to hack it a little bit, and would create special prefixed names for the chaptes:
1. Chapter 1
2. Chapter 2
3. Chapter 3
even though it really sucks (as if you want to insert a page you need to go and rename all the pages after the position you are inserting at, manually) it worked to give some ordering to the All Pages list and helped avoiding the creation of manual index page.
But it still does not work. When I export to PDF, the page names are exported as a PDF index (very handy) but I can not figure out what is the ordering used. It is not even alphabetical, and definitely not anything I can set So my hack failed there.
I think a lot of Confluence users will agree that it is crucial to have ability of setting page ordering in some comfortable way. I also use JIRA and there ordering (of say, issue report fields) is implemented in a very comfortable, user-friendly way. Introducing a feature like that, in Confluence, for pages, would be very much appreciated.
Also, the
{index}macro is giving an overly complicated thing. Getting a simple index (alternative tag?) that would just list pages by order - would help.
- blocks
CLOV-5 After page-ordering is implemented on CAC, remove 'manual' page numbers
- Closed
CRUC-29 After page-ordering is implemented on CAC, remove 'manual' page numbers
- Closed
FE-24 After page-ordering is implemented on CAC, remove 'manual' page numbers
- Closed
- is duplicated by
CONFSERVER-6190 The order of sub-pages under a page is arbitrary. I would like to change the order of pages that appear in a child pages hierarchy
- Closed
CONFSERVER-595 Allow for re-ordering of pages in a space
- Closed
- is related to
CONFSERVER-293 Ability to sort lists of pages by update time, creator, etc.
- Closed
CONFSERVER-2120 Need a way to determine the order of child pages
- Closed
CONFSERVER-4091 Relative Link tags, at least within spaces...
- Closed
CONFSERVER-5055 Export an entire space as a word document
- Closed
CONFSERVER-10427 Export page hierarchy to specific document formats.
- Closed
- relates to
CONFSERVER-2416 Content Sorting in exported space PDF
- Closed
CONFSERVER-6543 PDF exports in wrong order
- Closed
CONFSERVER-1327 Allow pages to be reordered prior to PDF export
- Closed
CONFSERVER-2079 More control over PDF exporting
- Closed
CONFSERVER-3719 Drag and Drop functionality in the Tree Viewer for moving pages
- Closed
- mentioned in
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