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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-69913

Macro parameters won't list more than 25 results when searching for a specific page name.


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      Problem Definition

      For macros that have a parameter to specify a page, only 25 results or fewer will display.

      e.g. Include Page Macro, Children Display Macro, etc.


      The results will not say which space contains each page. Therefore, if someone has 25 or more pages with the same name across all of their spaces, they will run into trouble here. They will not be able to retrieve all examples. Searching by space key isn't possible at the moment due to CONFCLOUD-72866

      Suggested Solution

      Provide a Load More option, or display all results.


      In the meantime, change the page names to have a more unique name.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              smackie@atlassian.com Shannon S
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