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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-69740

Confluence is very slow, please improve the performance


    • 79
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      Status Update 28 July 2021
      Hi all,

      This is Ethan from the Atlassian Editor Team. Thank you for the continuous feedback on performance improvement needs within the Confluence editing experience. This is a top priority for Atlassian teams. 

      I want to direct your attention to some new tickets that have been created to provide more focused updates on specific performance related issues. We will be actively monitoring the tickets below, and ask that you you to vote and follow the tickets which detail the specific performance issue affecting you and your team:

      Theme Ticket
      1. Slowness rendering Non-Content PAGE FEATURES when VIEWING a Confluence page  CONFCLOUD-72517
      2. Slowness rendering IN-PAGE CONTENT when VIEWING a large Confluence page CONFCLOUD-72518
      3. Slowness initially rendering a large Confluence page in EDIT mode CONFCLOUD-72519
      4. Keyboard typing delays while trying to EDIT a Confluence page CONFCLOUD-72520
      5. Changes are lost and unsaved after EDITING a Confluence page CONFCLOUD-72521
      6. Inability or delay of publishing EDITS to a Confluence page CONFCLOUD-72522


      Because not all performance issues stem from the same cause, we are aggregating potentially disparate issues within this ticket. We can continue to do so with your help in providing additional details on what your page contains. If you are able to remove elements and see performance improvements, sharing that information can help us narrow our focus on key elements that are slowing page performance.

      Thanks all and stay safe,



      We are experiencing very slow page load time. Looks like it's not only us but lots of users are seeing same experience. See this thread (has 6.4k views as of April 2020)  https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-questions/Jira-and-Confluence-Cloud-is-toooooo-slow/qaq-p/744373

      Top poster even posted Google pagespeed score of 4.

      We measured our instance and it has page speed score of 13 for mobile and 27 for desktop. I think this is too low for such a top product like Confluence or Jira. See report: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbitwelt.atlassian.net%2Fwiki%2Fspaces%2Fbit%2Foverview%3Fmode%3Dglobal&tab=desktop

      We have another private instance where about 500 JS files are loaded on each page load. A lot of them seem to come from team calendar (which we have disabled but js files are still loaded), see screenshot.

      Please prioritize page speed/performance.



              Unassigned Unassigned
              d4cb4bee8c3a Nar Kumar C. - Narva Software
              277 Vote for this issue
              102 Start watching this issue
