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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-38083

Dates aren't sorted correctly in European time format (dd.mm.yyyy)


      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding bug report.


      Dates are not sorted correctly when user is on European browser (such as Deutsch)


      Tested in:

      • Confluence server 5.9.1
      • Cloud Confluence version 1000.150.0

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Make sure that browser is on English language
      2. Create a page with random dates in a table
      3. Save, and try to sort it
      4. Tables are sorted correctly
      5. Go to user profile > setting > edit > set language as Deutsch
      6. Go back to the page > try to sort the dates

      Expected Results

      Dates are sorted correctly

      Actual Results

      Dates are not sorted correctly. In fact, it's sorted in a random way. see GIF attached


      This issue is different than CONF-34002 since CONF-34002 is an improvement request for dates to be able to be sorted

        1. f0S76Dx2jG.gif
          743 kB
          Monique Khairuliana
        2. macrosettings.png
          65 kB
          Florian Schießl
        3. sorterror1.png
          20 kB
          Florian Schießl
        4. sorterror2.png
          25 kB
          Florian Schießl

            Unassigned Unassigned
            1742255c744c Alexander Schätzle
            44 Vote for this issue
            35 Start watching this issue
