Resolution: Unresolved
Suggested improvements:
- Ability to get notification that restrictions for automation rule have been lifted - Currently there is automation limit for Daily processing time (60 min per 12 hrs) and not possible to send notification that restrictions for automation rule have been lifted.
- Email Notifications for Item Queued Globally Limit - As per the Service Limits Documentation - https://support.atlassian.com/cloud-automation/docs/automation-service-limits/ , only Notifications are supported for the event type "Daily Processing Time (60 min per 12 hours). Please enable Notifications support for Issues Queued Globally (50,000) and other events considering the importance of Monitoring & Performance reasons.
- As per this. - https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/what-are-service-limits/. Daily processing time is 60 min per 12 hrs one which tasks to get queued up and resulting in slowness. Improving this time would allow users to have a better experience while using A4J
- Since there's a limit of 65 components by rule in a way to make sure the rules will run stably and won't time out, it would be good if when accessing the rules the amount of components the user might see how many components the rule already has
Do not deprecate Workflow Triggers or allow automation plans to increase automation limits -
I hope this is the correct place for this. As discussed here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-questions/When-are-the-workflow-triggers-for-branches-going-to-deprecate/qaq-p/1611693 , there is concern in the community around the deprecation of workflow triggers. Many of us are already hitting our automation limits monthly, and without the ability to simply purchase plans to increase automation limits, we're asked to double our Jira subscription costs.
While I understand that we can set rules for individual projects, this just isn't feasible when I have 100s of projects on a small team or 1000s for larger teams. One thing changes in that workflow and you're asking us to update 1000 individual rules.
Please reconsider the current published solutions and offer better options for your users.
- is duplicated by
AUTO-47 Do not deprecate Workflow Triggers or allow automation plans to increase automation limits
- Closed
AUTO-57 UI message that informs how many components the Automation rule already has
- Closed
AUTO-68 Add issue type filtering to the automation rule scope to limit how often it runs and avoid throttling
- Closed
AUTO-323 Ability to choose Service Limit Percentage
- Closed
AUTO-829 Email Notifications for Item Queued Globally Limit
- Closed
JSWCLOUD-22586 Suggests for better handling of Automation rule execution limit breaches
- Closed
JSWCLOUD-22589 Increase email recipient limit from 50
- Closed
JSWCLOUD-22746 Reset service limit for automation for Jira
- Closed
Happy New Year, everyone! May it be filled with joy, success, and - who knows - maybe even some miracles. Like Atlassian resolving to fix this bug. We can dream, right?