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  1. Atlassian Intelligence
  2. AI-224

Content index not being updated for specific instances


    • Severity 2 - Major
    • 5


      For specific instances, functions that rely on the indexing are not being updated and displaying inconsistent results. For example:

      • Macros: Users that use macros to retrieve pages with labels (like Content by Label, Page Properties and Activity Stream)
      • Activity feed: Some updates are not being displayed in the Activity feed that comes in the dashboard of Confluence.
      • Mentions: Specific users are not being displayed when using the mention feature.
      • Spaces Directory: Not displaying any spaces or only specific ones.
      • Page restrictions: Cannot search or lookup existing users for the restrictions panel. The same is applied for users to be added in Calendar events.

      Steps to Reproduce

      No specific steps to reproduce, as it affects different parts of the application. When working with a specific instance that presents the behavior, the user will notice one of the symptoms above.


      • Re-indexing the application will not work without the fix.
      • We have deployed a fix. If support reindex the tenant, the functions that rely on indexing will be back to normal.
      • We have another ticket CONFCLOUD-65206 to fix indexing for those pages with an immense permission field.


      No workaround at the moment.

              ywang2@atlassian.com Ying Wang
              gdecampos Giuliano C.
              8 Vote for this issue
              19 Start watching this issue
