
      The "Last Active" date may not consistently align with the actual last instance a user was active in a specific application, such as Jira or Confluence.

      This inconsistency in the "Last Active" date can be more accurately identified by customers who possess Enterprise licensed applications. They have access to application events in the Audit log, allowing them to observe if a user has viewed a Jira issue, made edits, or interacted with a different section of the application.

      The inconsistencies in the 'Last Active' dates are not confined to mere hours. They can, in fact, be inaccurate for an extended period, even beyond weeks.


      Cloud, New centric User Management experience.
      Create an environment comprised of:

      1. Jira Work Management
      2. Jira Service Management
      3. Jira Software

      Grant some of your users access to either JWM, Software, or JSM

      Steps to Reproduce

      Can be more easily reproduced using the following constraints:

      User A JWM access only
      1. User A logs into JWM and creates a ticket.
        1. This action gets logged and "Last Active" updates.
      2. User A logs after a couple days back in Jira to view a JSW Jira ticket.
        1. User A has the permissions to view the ticket.
      3. User A open the ticket and view it for more than 2 seconds
        1. This activity gets recorded in the Audit Log of Atlassian Access for Enterprise licenses

      Expected Results

      Last Active date should be updated to show the last activity of the user in Jira, which was when the user browsed the JSW project Jira ticket.

      Actual Results

      Last Active date is not updated with the last time the user viewed the JSW Jira ticket.


      There is no workaround besides having the users create tickets or perform other actions in different Jira project types.

      Additional notes

      This bug also affects the retrieval of these values through the API, which directly impacts the ability of certain customers to automate their user lifecycles.

        1. screenshot-2.png
          117 kB
          Andre Borzzatto
        2. screenshot-1.png
          16 kB
          Andre Borzzatto

            [ACCESS-1783] Last Active inform inaccurate time in Users Page

              Unassigned Unassigned
              aborzzatto Andre Borzzatto
              Affected customers:
              48 This affects my team
              83 Start watching this issue
