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  1. Atlassian Guard
  2. ACCESS-1276

Managed account last active date is cleared when the product access is removed


      Issue Summary

      There is a discrepancy wrt the Last Activity Data for users between Orgs and Sites.
      It seems like the Site has the last active data mapped correctly however at the Org level (Managed Accounts sections) this data depends on the Active Product Access of the user. So if a user has access a product then last active data is recorded however it is cleared out when Access to this Product is removed which causes a discrepancy.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: No

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Invited the user to the site and made them login
      2. User management gets updated with the latest date:

            3. Org does not (This also takes a while to get updated)

             4. Checked after 10 hours we see last activity got updated

             5. Now, we disabled site access for the user

             6. Last Active on Org got reverted to June 22

             7. While on the site it still shows as July 4th

      Expected Results

      Last Active should show the most recent date when user was active and it should not depend on their current Product Access.
      Also, this data should match between the Site and Org

      Actual Results

      Discrepancy between Site and Org level Last Active Dates



              Unassigned Unassigned
              umasih@atlassian.com Ulka
              19 Vote for this issue
              45 Start watching this issue
