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  1. Sourcetree For Mac
  2. SRCTREE-3089

Keep original scroll location in unstaged files


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      When you are about to add files to the next commit, you have the staged files in the top and unstaged files in the bottom. Whenever you add a file of the unstaged files or remove on from the staged files, both file lists are freshed. Now the annoying thing happens, when either of this list is longer than the height of the subwindow so you have to scroll down.

      Whenever you want to add or remove several files one after another which you only reach in the list after scrolling down, you have to scroll down again after each refresh and find the location where you left of. Sometimes SourceTree keeps the scroll position, but mostly it looses it and refreshing sometimes takes several seconds.

      And to make it worse, when you scrolled down after the first refresh, sometimes a second refresh occurs and not only that you loose the position again, often the click on one file is happening on the file at the position of the mouse cursor after the fresh, ie. a completely different file. Then you have to remove it from the unstaged files again which causes additional work.

      So it would be great, if SourceTree would at remember the approximate position within the file lists.

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            94f2816de97d martenlehmann
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