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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-372

JIRA keeps dead links to Confluence pages after migration and space import


    • 28
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding bug report.


      After a migration, a full JIRA export is imported into a new instance, which means Confluence must be imported space by space.

      Any existing links on JIRA tickets to Confluence pages (Mentioned In links) are still to the old page ID so will not load.


      First Approach

      I imported customer JIRA and Connie data and my dev instance (https://adiallo.jira-dev.com) and was able to reproduce the issue. In the JIRA issue, I was seeing the Page Failed to load under the Issue Links opposite the mentioned in option. That's the same way the customer is seeing it.

      Second Approach

      1. I created a JIRA issue in another dev instance (https://stan.jira-dev.com/browse/BUR-5) and mentioned in and Confluence page (https://stan.jira-dev.com/wiki/display/ds/M%2Cz%3E%2Cxz%3Exz) and the display was fine from both side.
      2. I exported JIRA and Confluence from https://stan.jira-dev.com and imported it into: https://adiallo.jira-dev.com.
      3. After a successful import and reindex, the same error appear in the JIRA Issue (https://adiallo.jira-dev.com/browse/BUR-5): Page Failed to load and from Confluence side it throws: JIRA Issues Macro: Unable to locate JIRA server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

            06eb947e2f93 Łukasz Halicki
            jrobison1 JordanA
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