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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-184

Jira Migration Assistant should respect "Active" status from Jira Server


    • 45
    • Major

      Issue Summary

      When migrating users using the Jira Migration Assistant, users marked as inactive in Jira Server are brought over with site access.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a user in Server
      2. Disable the user
      3. Migrate the user using JCMA
      4. The user will have site access

      Jira Server Settings

      Jira Cloud Settings

      Expected Results

      The user should realistically respect the Jira Server settings by migrating the user as inactive, or without site access

      Note: In Atlassian Cloud, users are always active. The equivalent of inactive Server user is a Cloud user (active) who does not have product access.

      Actual Results

      The respective user will have site access in Cloud


      Disable the user via the user interface or reach out to support for other options of bulk disabling users. 

        1. broken-link.png
          103 kB
          Fábio W. [Atlassian]
        2. image-2020-05-12-18-24-34-269.png
          143 kB
          Andy J.
        3. image-2020-05-12-18-24-39-522.png
          225 kB
          Andy J.

            14ede9477001 Radhika Patodiya (Inactive)
            ajean Andy J.
            19 Vote for this issue
            35 Start watching this issue
