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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1253

Remote links don't convert to local links


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • JCMA - 1.7.7
    • Fixing Broken Links
    • None
    • 17
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 37

      This bug is for Server to Cloud. See the related bug for Cloud to Cloud.

      Issue Summary

      Is this reproducible: Yes

      Steps to Reproduce Scenario 1 (Server & Cloud)

      1. Create an application link between server and cloud instance. 
      2. Create links between issues on Jira server and Jira cloud. 
      3. Do a migration of these links. 
      4. Post migration the link on the server issue will still be pointing to cloud URL. But throwing an error. 
      5. The URL will be correct but the link will throw an error in the GUI. 

      Steps to Reproduce Scenario 2 (Multiple connected Jira servers migrating to a single Cloud destination)

      1. Create server A with project ABC
      2. Create server B with project DEF
      3. Create an issue in each project
      4. Create an application link between Server A and Server B
      5. Create issue links within both projects such as:
        • An issue may relate to another.
        • An issue may duplicate another.
        • An issue may block another.
      6. Confirm reciprocal link between issues
      7. Migrate both projects into a single Cloud site

      Expected Results

      Convert remote links into local links

      Actual Results for Scenario 1

      The link points to the correct URL but an error is seen as "Failed to load remote issue because remote site is not linked"

      Actual Results for Scenario 2

      The links will remain pointing to the server


      The only workaround is to delete the link and re-create it manually. The issue is caused because the links are stored in "RemoteLink" table when there are links between a Jira server and Jira cloud. But when both source and destination are in cloud the links are stored in a different DB table "IssueLink" + "IssueLinkType" , and currently no conversion happens between these 2 different types of links during migration. 

      A manual re-creation of the link creates the link locally. Though this workaround will be difficult to scale for large number of remote links. 

              06eb947e2f93 Łukasz Halicki
              1578984bf038 Hamza Tila
              8 Vote for this issue
              17 Start watching this issue
