Resolution: Fixed
JCMA - 1.7.7
Severity 3 - Minor
This bug is for Server to Cloud. See the related bug for Cloud to Cloud.
Issue Summary
Is this reproducible: Yes
Steps to Reproduce Scenario 1 (Server & Cloud)
- Create an application link between server and cloud instance.
- Create links between issues on Jira server and Jira cloud.
- Do a migration of these links.
- Post migration the link on the server issue will still be pointing to cloud URL. But throwing an error.
- The URL will be correct but the link will throw an error in the GUI.
Steps to Reproduce Scenario 2 (Multiple connected Jira servers migrating to a single Cloud destination)
- Create server A with project ABC
- Create server B with project DEF
- Create an issue in each project
- Create an application link between Server A and Server B
- Create issue links within both projects such as:
- An issue may relate to another.
- An issue may duplicate another.
- An issue may block another.
- Confirm reciprocal link between issues
- Migrate both projects into a single Cloud site
Expected Results
Convert remote links into local links
Actual Results for Scenario 1
The link points to the correct URL but an error is seen as "Failed to load remote issue because remote site is not linked"
Actual Results for Scenario 2
The links will remain pointing to the server
The only workaround is to delete the link and re-create it manually. The issue is caused because the links are stored in "RemoteLink" table when there are links between a Jira server and Jira cloud. But when both source and destination are in cloud the links are stored in a different DB table "IssueLink" + "IssueLinkType" , and currently no conversion happens between these 2 different types of links during migration.
A manual re-creation of the link creates the link locally. Though this workaround will be difficult to scale for large number of remote links.
- relates to
CLOUD-12128 Remote links don't convert to local links (C2C)
- Gathering Impact
MIG-1279 Phased migrations shouldn't have missing links
- Gathering Interest
- causes
FBL-443 Loading...
- is related to
FBL-752 Loading...
- mentioned in
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