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      Issue Summary


      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Migrate from server to cloud in phases. 
      2. If both the projects are not present in cloud, then the link will not be migrated from server to cloud. (remote links in Jira)

      Expected Results

      For this suggestion/feature request , it is expected and requested that for projects where both end points haven't been migrated together the links should still be migrated and should point to server. 

      In latter phases the links should get become local links . For a detailed example

      • We have links from a issue ABC-1 (On server ) to WER-1 (On Server) and OPU-1 (On Server).
      • We want to migrate only ABC and WER projects in first phase keeping OPU on server.
      • So post migration we have ABC (On Cloud) , WER (On Cloud) and OPU (On Server).
      • What will happen at this stage is ABC-1 (On Cloud) will be linked fine to (WER-1) on cloud, but the link between ABC-1 (On Cloud) and OPU-1(On Server) is lost because of the missing dependency. A link is only migrated when both end points exist. Whenever in future we migrate OPU, the link will come over. 
      • What this case is asking is ABC-1 (On Cloud) is linked to WER-1 (On Cloud) and also to (OPU-1) on server after phase 1. 
      • Then later in Phase 2 when the OPU project is migrated, we want the remote link to now be converted into a local link as all projects are in cloud. 

      Actual Results

      Links aren't migrated if both endpoints are available on cloud. 


      The only possibility currently is waiting till all phases of a migration are complete and then contact atlassian support for help fixing link.

            [MIG-1279] Phased migrations shouldn't have missing links

            Diana C added a comment -

            Diana C added a comment - The steps on  https://confluence.atlassian.com/confkb/after-a-successful-server-to-cloud-migration-url-links-are-broken-in-the-new-cloud-instance-1077781093.html work to resolve this.

            Sami Shaik added a comment -

            This is much needed, especially for cloud migration customers.

            Sami Shaik added a comment - This is much needed, especially for cloud migration customers.

            Vittal Krishna added a comment - https://getsupport.atlassian.com/browse/MOVE-152728

            Nitesh Kumar added a comment - https://getsupport.atlassian.com/browse/MOVE-149349

            12c15855cc3b support for those links is currently in development. At this moment I would expect this to be supported by our service by the end of November. Please also note that this problem applies only to remote links (e.g. relates to) in Jira. For links in descriptions or comments in Jira we handle fixing those in case of phased migrations.

            Łukasz Halicki added a comment - 12c15855cc3b support for those links is currently in development. At this moment I would expect this to be supported by our service by the end of November. Please also note that this problem applies only to remote links (e.g. relates to) in Jira. For links in descriptions or comments in Jira we handle fixing those in case of phased migrations.

            Hello Lukasz,

            Do you have any latest updates or ETA on the fix? 

            Utkarsh Agarwal added a comment - Hello Lukasz, Do you have any latest updates or ETA on the fix? 

            Hi 3e2e6d2be169. Addressing this issue is one of priorities for my team in October and we have it scoped already. Implementation will start next week and I hope we will be able to close it in ~4 weeks. Let's discuss separately what does it mean in context of your planned migraitons.

            Łukasz Halicki added a comment - Hi 3e2e6d2be169 . Addressing this issue is one of priorities for my team in October and we have it scoped already. Implementation will start next week and I hope we will be able to close it in ~4 weeks. Let's discuss separately what does it mean in context of your planned migraitons.

            Hello Lukasz !,

            Funkcjonalnosc staje sie bardzo bardzo potrzebna. Mamy sporo projektow i przemigrowanie ich wszystkich naraz jest bardzo klopotliwe. 
            Wasz developement pomoglby znakomicie. 



            info: @Ankur KORE, @SAI

            Marian Jozef ZUREK added a comment - Hello Lukasz !, Funkcjonalnosc staje sie bardzo bardzo potrzebna. Mamy sporo projektow i przemigrowanie ich wszystkich naraz jest bardzo klopotliwe.  Wasz developement pomoglby znakomicie.  Pozdrawiam, MJZ   info: @Ankur KORE, @SAI

            3e2e6d2be169 unfortunately we won't be able to add this in next 1-2 weeks.

            Recently we added support for remote to local links conversion in our internal tooling (see more here: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/MIG-1253) and we just now started on designing solution for this specific use case. 

            Also to clarify - as this applies to intermediate step in phased migrations and some cases of federation where first is just temporary problem and second we consider still rare path, this hasn't been a priority for our team. So if you could share why you consider this a blocker, this might help us in further prioritzing this. Thanks!

            Łukasz Halicki added a comment - 3e2e6d2be169 unfortunately we won't be able to add this in next 1-2 weeks. Recently we added support for remote to local links conversion in our internal tooling (see more here: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/MIG-1253 ) and we just now started on designing solution for this specific use case.  Also to clarify - as this applies to intermediate step in phased migrations and some cases of federation where first is just temporary problem and second we consider still rare path, this hasn't been a priority for our team. So if you could share why you consider this a blocker, this might help us in further prioritzing this. Thanks!

            Hello Lukasz,


            Jakas szansa na zaimplementowanie tego w ciagu najblizszych 1-2 tygodni?
            Nie ukrywam, ze ta funkcjionalnosc pozwolilaby nam migrowac.
            Na te chwile jestesmy zablokowani. 

            Marian Jozef ZUREK

            Marian Jozef ZUREK added a comment - Hello Lukasz,   Jakas szansa na zaimplementowanie tego w ciagu najblizszych 1-2 tygodni? Nie ukrywam, ze ta funkcjionalnosc pozwolilaby nam migrowac. Na te chwile jestesmy zablokowani.  Pozdrawiam, Marian Jozef ZUREK

              06eb947e2f93 Łukasz Halicki
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