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  1. Jira Work Management Cloud
  2. JWMCLOUD-88

Ability to resize the width of the columns and have character limit update accordingly


    • 41
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Update added 20 February 2024:

      I believe the product behaviour has changed since this ticket was first created. It is now possible to change the width of columns in the List view of a Jira Work Management project. The text values in the columns will still be truncated, however:

      Looking at some of the Support tickets that have been internally linked here, I believe there is a remaining request for this text to dynamically fill the width of the column rather than being truncated after x characters. 

      Original Description:

      Problem Definition

      At this moment, it is not possible to resize the width of the columns of JWM project and it is not in full screen. Some would like it full screen and some may like the shrunk view. 

      Suggested Solution

      Add the ability for users to resize the width of the columns per their requirement.

      Why this is important

      This feature would greatly improve the user experience.


        1. screenshot-1.png
          333 kB
          Anusha Rutnam

              Unassigned Unassigned
              c1c38b0b1b95 Priyadharshini CS (Inactive)
              237 Vote for this issue
              86 Start watching this issue
