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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-20641

When using Original Time Estimate on a board for Estimation, the Velocity Chart will show time in seconds rather than hours or minutes


      Issue Summary

      When using Original Time Estimate on a board for Estimation, the Velocity Chart will show time in seconds rather than hours or minutes.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a few issues in a board and modify the Estimate field on the issue to be in hours or minutes.
      2. Start a sprint and add these issues to them.
      3. Complete the sprint and open up the Velocity Chart once complete.

      Expected Results

      The Velocity chart will show the committed and completed time for issues to be within hours or minutes.

      Actual Results

      The time for these values shows up in seconds instead:


      Use a different Estimation statistic such as Story Points for the board.


      I found that this issue could not be reproduced in Jira 8.3.0. It's possible this is due to the change in the Velocity Chart changes that were made in 8.9.0

            smikolajczuk Sylwia Mikołajczuk
            jsanchez2@atlassian.com Jeremy Sanchez
            5 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
