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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-16227

Dragging sub-tasks to status 'Done' in an Agile board will give error on IE 11


      Issue Summary
      • Dragging sub-tasks to status 'Done' in an Agile board (Either Kanban or Scrum project) will give error on IE 11.
      Steps to Reproduce
      1. Create a Kanban or Scrum Project
      2. Create some issues and at least one sub-task.
      3. Go to the Active Sprints/Kanban Board and drag a sub-task from any status to 'Done' (or whatever the name of the last column is for your scenario):
      Expected Behavior
      • The sub-task is transitioned to the status linked with the column where it was dragged (usually 'Done').
      Actual Behavior
      • The sub-task transition its status correctly, but shows an error:
      • Unknown.
      • To use other web browser like Chrome or Firefox, where the issue is not present.
      • Tested with IE 11.726.15063.0, Update versions: 11.0.48 (KB4047206) 

        1. image-2017-11-24-20-02-37-577.png
          19 kB
          Rene C. [Atlassian Cloud Support]
        2. screenshot-1.png
          275 kB
          Rene C. [Atlassian Cloud Support]
        3. screenshot-2.png
          100 kB
          Rene C. [Atlassian Cloud Support]

            ialexeyenko Ignat (Inactive)
            rchiquete Rene C. [Atlassian Cloud Support]
            19 Vote for this issue
            22 Start watching this issue
